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Press Invitation: Can we handle the threat of a chemical or biological disaster?

International researchers and companies gather in Gothenburg May 21-25 for the world’s largest symposium regarding protection against chemical and biological threats Time: Tuesday, May 22nd at 12.45 Place: Hotel Gothia Towers, 2nd floor, Conference room R 26 What do we do if a train filled with chlorine derails just outside the city of Gothenburg? Who, and how many, will be the first ones to receive medical care if a city is subject to a chemical or biological disaster? What are al-Qaeda’s capabilities when it comes to chemical and biological warfare? These questions and many more will be discussed and answered during the CBW Protection Symposium in Gothenburg, 22-25 May. For the 9th time, researchers and companies from all over the world gather to discuss the latest research findings within the field of protection against chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear warfare. The symposium has taken place in Sweden every third year since 1983, and during the years the questions have gone from having a very strong focus on war to dealing with problematic situations for civilians. This year’s event, located to the Swedish Exhibition Centre, gathers about 800 participants, more than 100 companies and 82 speakers from 49 countries. On May 22nd, we would like to welcome you to meet some of the speakers that during the week will be presenting the latest research findings within the field of CBRN - Chemical, Biological, Radioactive, Nuclear warfare. Two of the speakers you will meet is: Gudrun Cassel, researcher, Swedish Defence Research Agency, FOI. Ms Cassel will talk on the topic: A train derailment with tank wagons filled with chlorine. Anne Stenerssen, researcher, Norwegian Defence Research Establishment, FFI Ms. Stenerssen will present Al-Qaeda’s CBRN capabilities: Examples from online Jihadist manuals and discussions. Interviews Before, during and after the press meeting, researchers, speakers as well as representatives for the organizers will be available for interviews. You also have the opportunity to participate in all presentations during the week free of charge. Attached you find an agenda with the symposium’s schedule and the speakers. If you would like to participate in the press meeting, interview one of the researchers or visit the symposium, we ask you to contact Johan Axell – see contact details below. Welcome! Contact Johan Axell, Director of Communication FOI, johan.axell@foi.se, +46 (0)8 555 030 18 or +46 (0)70 277 03 62 Johan Nybom, +46 (0)73 660 81 75



Maria Hugosson Bygge

Maria Hugosson Bygge

Presskontakt Pressansvarig Pressansvarig 073 3713838
Albert Hager Bernats

Albert Hager Bernats

Presskontakt Kommunikatör 0708 586 657

FOI forskar för en säkrare värld

Totalförsvarets forskningsinstitut (FOI) är en statlig myndighet som bedriver världsledande forskning inom försvar och säkerhet till stöd för Sveriges militära och civila försvar. Med ett fokus på att förstå, förklara och förändra tillhandahåller vi ny kunskap och expertstöd. Många gånger sker arbetet tillsammans med olika allierade inom Nato. Forskningen tillämpas både inom försvarsmyndigheter och hos civila aktörer och spelar en avgörande roll i att bygga en relevant och effektiv försvarsförmåga.

FOI har ungefär 1 300 anställda. Cirka 950 av dessa är forskare på akademisk nivå. Majoriteten av FOI:s uppdrag är offentligt finansierade. Merparten av finansieringen kommer via uppdrag från Försvarsmakten, Försvarets materielverk (FMV) samt departement och myndigheter.

FOI - Totalförsvarets forskningsinstitut

Gullfossgatan 6
164 90 Kista