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The importance of structured feedback in Recruitment

It’s easy to seek confirmation that what you are doing is good. That feels great. But is that how you can best develop?

I’d like to elaborate the topic of The Importance of Structured Feedback in Recruitment.

Embracing criticism can feel scary. But unless you know what you could have done better, there is no way to know what can be improved.

We work in an ever-changing world where excellence is a moving target. This means that what was great today may not be adequate tomorrow. Finding a way to get continuous feedback is essential if you want to develop and remain relevant.

Finance Recruitment’s vision is to be the recruitment company that candidates first turn to when changing jobs within our specialist recruitment areas of Finance & Accounting and Banking & Financial Services. Therefore, the candidate experience is important to us and one of our key barometers for measuring success.

Each candidate we meet gets the opportunity to evaluate how their experience with us was. Not just those who we help by placing them in new roles but everyone we meet. As recruitment consultants it’s important to acknowledge the pitfall of only focusing on the process and final candidate. We meet incredibly talented professionals whom, even if they end up not getting the position, should receive our best service and attention. There will be future positions to fill and these candidates will turn to us again if they appreciated our service.

To ensure that we can continuously improve the entire workflow, we have set up two different feedback loops:

  • Candidate feedback after our interview
  • Post recruitment process client feedback

The first quarter we measured our candidate experience, 82% of the candidates we met said they were likely to recommend Finance Recruitment to a friend or colleague.

In Q4 last year that number increased to 100% of the candidates who said that they were likely to recommend Finance Recruitment to a friend or colleague. These are incredible first results, and with more data we expect to get even better insight into the candidate experience.

I would like to thank everybody we met who took the time to take our survey and give us the all-important feedback to help us improve our service.

If you’d like to read more about how we want to continuously raise the bar for what is considered industry standard within recruitment I’d recommend this article by my colleague Hanna.

Eoin Laird
CEO Finance Recruitment

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Mathilde Helgesson

Mathilde Helgesson

Presskontakt Marknadsansvarig Stockholm 0734433540

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Finance Recruitment erbjuder interimslösningar och rekryteringar specialiserade inom ekonomi, bank och finans i Stockholmsområdet.

Finance Recruitment Sweden AB

Kungsgatan 4A
11143 Stockholm