OUTLOOK 2015: Asia continues to grow despite strong dollar concerns

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OUTLOOK 2015: Asia continues to grow despite strong dollar concerns

The outlook for Asian markets remains healthy. While there have been recent bumps that have weakened investor sentiment and despite the received wisdom that US dollar strength should in theory be a negative for many markets, across the region there are several developments on the policy and broad macro front that are likely to continue to drive markets over the mid-to-long term.
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Maria Lindholm

Presskontakt Corporate Communications Assoicate Director, Northern Europe Corporate Communications, PR, Media Relations +46703016920

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OUTLOOK 2015: Asia continues to grow despite strong dollar concerns

The outlook for Asian markets remains healthy. While there have been recent bumps that have weakened investor sentiment and despite the received wisdom that US dollar strength should in theory be a negative for many markets, across the region there are several developments on the policy and broad macro front that are likely to continue to drive markets over the mid-to-long term.