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The Swedish Government approves local energy sharing, opening the market to Ferroamp’s PowerShare technology

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The Swedish Government approves local energy sharing, opening the market to Ferroamp’s PowerShare technology

The Swedish Government’s decision to approve local energy sharing in microgrids opens up the market to Ferroamp’s PowerShare technology. The technology increases opportunities for and the profitability of investments in solar energy or shared energy storage by stakeholders such as tenant-owner associations.

Sweden is one of the first countries in Europe to introduce an ordinance amendment to allow energy sharing in microgrids. Ferroamp’s patented PowerShare technology facilitates precisely this, as it allows shared photovoltaic installations to be used by all apartments and buildings in a tenant-owner association or multiple buildings to share a single energy storage facility, thus lowering costs.

The new ordinance amendments enter into force on 1 January 2022.

“That Sweden is following the Dutch example and approving energy sharing in microgrids is fantastic news. Many of our Swedish customers have been waiting for this rule change and will now be able to realise their projects, beginning as early as January,” says Björn Jernström, founder and CTO of Ferroamp.

PowerShare technology involves connecting several nearby buildings to a local DC network so that they can share resources such as solar cells, battery storage or fast charging stations for electric vehicles. This offers a number of customer benefits, including increased self-consumption of generated solar energy, a lower main fuse rating and joint battery storage that is smaller than if each building were to have its own installation. Eventually, local microgrids will also offer greater energy security, as they will be able to remain operational during power cuts in the national grid.

“We take an extremely positive view of the Government’s ordinance amendment, as this makes it possible for stakeholders who previously found it difficult to participate in the energy transition tenant-owner associations, rental housing estates and industrial estates for example to make profitable investments in solar energy. This will further increase willingness to invest in solar energy or to share energy storage; for example, to manage the enormous fluctuations in electricity prices we have witnessed during the autumn,” says Krister Werner, CEO of Ferroamp.

For further information, please contact:
Krister Werner, CEO, +46 76 535 86 64

For more information, please visit: www.ferroamp.com



Om Ferroamp Elektronik AB

Ferroamp är ett snabbväxande greentech-bolag som med sin innovativa teknik är en ledande aktör i den pågående elektrifieringen. Ferroamp erbjuder lösningar för att styra, optimera och effektivisera energi och effekt i fastigheter. Det patenterade EnergyHub-systemet möjliggör optimal användning av solenergi, integrerad med batterilager och laddning av elfordon i ett lokalt likspänningsnät. Med PowerShare kan fler få nytta av optimerad energi när det skalbara systemet kopplas ihop mellan flera byggnader. Vår prisvinnande teknik har uppmärksammats i flera globala tävlingar. Huvudkontoret ligger utanför Stockholm.

Ferroamps aktie (FERRO) handlas på Nasdaq First North Growth Market med G&W Fondkommission som Certified Advisor (e-post ca@gwkapital.se, telefon 08-503 000 50).


Peter Söderberg

Peter Söderberg

Presskontakt Public Relations Manager 079-585 82 58

Om Ferroamp

Ferroamp är ett svenskt snabbväxande greentech-bolag med inriktning på energi- och effektoptimering av fastigheter. Ferroamps EnergyHub är en smartare växelriktare som blir hjärnan i ett intelligent elsystem, där nyttan av solpaneler, elbilsladdning och batterilager kan maximeras. Det skalbara systemet ger kontroll och gör det lönsamt och enkelt för företag och privatpersoner att delta i den gröna energiomställningen.

Ferroamp grundades 2010 av Björn Jernström och den innovativa tekniken har fått flera nationella och internationella utmärkelser. Företaget är noterat på Stockholmsbörsen, First North Growth Markets.

Ferroamp AB (publ)

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174 53 Sundbyberg