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Ferroamp is one of the fastest growing companies in Europe

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Ferroamp is one of the fastest growing companies in Europe

When Financial Times presented their yearly list of the fastest growing companies in Europe, Ferroamp was ranked 50th overall and second in the Nordic region.

Financial Times lists every year the 1000 companies in Europe that have achieved the largest percentage growth. Ferroamp’s CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) of 172,2% ranks the company in 50th place in Europe and second in the Nordic region on this year's list.

- That Ferroamp ranks as the 50th fastest growing company in Europe confirms our strong growth, even compared to other companies. We continue to focus on growing and working intensively with developing our products and our organization, to prepare for the ability of delivering in volumes to multiple industries in the future, says Krister Werner, CEO at Ferroamp.

Swedish Ferroamp has developed a system for energy and power optimization, with the control unit being the EnergyHub. Ferroamp offers a scalable and future-proof way of integrating solar electricity, energy storage, and electric car charging. When the electrification of the society is occurring at a faster pace and at the same time changing to a large part renewable energy, Ferroamp’s systems can be a part of the solution.

- The electrification of the society is already happening at a fast pace and thus increasing the strain on the electricity grids, with power shortage as a consequence. We are standing in front of a system change where Ferroamp’s systems, that integrate solar cells, energy storage, and electric cars in an optimal way, makes the energy conversion possible, concludes Krister Werner.

For more information, contact: 

Krister Werner, CEO, +46(0)76-535 86 64

Kerstin Wähl, CFO & IR, +46(0)70-657 35 10 

About FT1000: Europe’s Fastest Growing Companies

FT1000: Europe’s Fastest Growing Companies is an initiative of Financial Times and Statista, who lists the companies in Europe that have achieved the highest weighted annual growth rate between 2016-2019. The list gets published March 2nd, with a more detailed report published in the Financial Times March 22nd 2021. See the full list here.



About Ferroamp Elektronik AB

Ferroamp Elektronik AB, founded in 2010, is a quickly growing clean tech company that offers advanced energy and power optimizing solutions for real estate. Ferroamp has a scalable platform that offers possibilities to combine patented technology in a self-developed EnergyHub with alternative energy sources and storage. Multiple buildings and complexes can also be connected together in a microgrid - Powershare. The customers today are mainly real estate companies, energy consultants, and electric power companies. Ferroamp has been recognized with multiple international environment awards. The headquarters is located outside Stockholm.


Peter Söderberg

Peter Söderberg

Presskontakt Public Relations Manager 079-585 82 58

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Om Ferroamp

Ferroamp är ett svenskt snabbväxande greentech-bolag med inriktning på energi- och effektoptimering av fastigheter. Ferroamps EnergyHub är en smartare växelriktare som blir hjärnan i ett intelligent elsystem, där nyttan av solpaneler, elbilsladdning och batterilager kan maximeras. Det skalbara systemet ger kontroll och gör det lönsamt och enkelt för företag och privatpersoner att delta i den gröna energiomställningen.

Ferroamp grundades 2010 av Björn Jernström och den innovativa tekniken har fått flera nationella och internationella utmärkelser. Företaget är noterat på Stockholmsbörsen, First North Growth Markets.

Ferroamp AB (publ)

Odlingsgatan 7B
174 53 Sundbyberg