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Annica Gerentz appointed new Head of Communications of FAR

Annica Gerentz has been appointed new Head of Communications of FAR, with responsibility for the business area PR, Opinion and Marketing.

- Annica Gerentz has the right experience and profile to contribute to furthering FAR’s development for the benefit of the profession and our members, says Karin Apelman, Secretary General and CEO of FAR.

Annica Gerentz holds a Master of Science (MSc) degree and has long experience of communication in different roles. Among other things, she has been the Senior Vice President Corporate Communications for Södra Skogsägarna in Växjö between 2014 – 2017 and for NCC between 2004 – 2011.

Annica Gerentz worked as a journalist during the 1980s and 1990s, among other things as a financial journalist at Dagens Industri and Nyhetsbyrån Direkt. Annica has also had responsibility for investor relations at NCC and furthermore worked on a consultant-basis in various groups with a focus on leadership, communication and personal development.

- It is exciting and inspiring to become a part of FAR and I feel that my experience and profile will indeed contribute to strengtening FAR’s development, says Annica Gerentz.

Annica Gerentz has been acting responsible for PR, Opinion and Market at FAR since December 2018. She reports to Secretary General and CEO, Karin Apelman and is part of FAR's management team.

For questions, please contact:

Karin Apelman, Secretary General and CEO, tel. +46 76 770 8709

Annica Gerentz, Head of Communications, tel. +46 76 789 54 01



FAR is the institute for the accountancy profession in Sweden and has its head office in Stockholm.

FAR’s members are authorized and approved public accountants, authorized accounting consultants tax consultants and payroll consultants.

FAR plays a leading role in the development of professional standards, education och information for the accountancy profession in Sweden, while also providing the business world and society with clear sets of regulations, the right level of competence and reliable information.

FAR’s commercial activities include arranging conferences and seminars, producing books, journals and an increasing amount of digital products.
FAR acts through its board, policy-groups, ad-hoc working parties and regional organizations.

FAR contributes actively to the work of the International Federation of Accountants IFAC, the International Accounting Standards Board IASB, Accountancy Europe and the Nordic Federation of Public Accountants NRF.




Presskontakt Presskontakt Sverige 08-400 153 34
Pernilla Halling

Pernilla Halling

Presskontakt Kommunikationschef Ansvarig PR & Opinion 08-50611241

FAR - nytta för näringsliv och samhälle

FAR utvecklar ekonomi-Sverige och ger näringsliv och samhälle tydliga spelregler, rätt kompetens och tillförlitlig information. FAR är en branschorganisation inom redovisning, revision och rådgivning, och är ett av Sveriges största privata utbildningsföretag inom ekonomiområdet med cirka 300 årliga utbildningstillfällen. FAR har även den ledande tjänsten för digital tillgång till regler och handledning inom ekonomiområdet, FAR Online.

FAR har cirka 5 000 medlemmar och cirka 1 000 anslutna medlemsföretag. FAR:s medlemmar är auktoriserade revisorer, redovisningskonsulter, skatterådgivare, lönekonsulter och specialister samt små och stora företag inom redovisning, revision och rådgivning.

FAR hjälper branschen att göra nytta för näringsliv och samhälle. FAR:s uppdrag från medlemmarna är att klargöra god yrkessed, paketera och förmedla kunskap samt att driva opinionsbildning.


Fleminggatan 7
Box 6417 – 113 82 Stockholm