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Jan Ozer, Streaming Learning Center
Jan Ozer, Streaming Learning Center

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Jan Ozer as Keynote Speaker at Streaming Tech Sweden 2017

We are proud to present Jan Ozer from Streaming Learning Center as our keynote speaker at Streaming Tech Sweden 2017.

Jan Ozer is a leading expert on H.264, H.265, and VP9 encoding for live and on-demand production. In his consulting practice, Jan Ozer helps streaming publishers produce highly optimized and deliverable streams and to choose encoders, transcoders, and workflows that optimize cost, efficiency and flexibility. He is a contributing editor to Streaming Media Magazine, where he reviews codecs, on-premise and cloud encoders, and ancillary tools like QoE and QoS monitoring services. Skilled in video production and editing, Jan Ozer also produces live events for streaming or on-demand and disc-based distribution.

There are still some speakers to be confirmed but we can already now present a preliminary agenda.

  • Why develop an in-house CDN? Fredrik Widlund from SVT to talk about the events leading up to SVT's decision to develop an in-house CDN and the key factors in making this a successful undertaking.
  • How to build a scalable live origin setup presented by John Håkansson and Markus Eskola from Fastly
  • What cause delays in a broadcast network? Anders Cedronius from Net Insight to explain the different factors that leads up to the glass-to-glass delay.
  • Low-latency streaming will be a crucial success factor for live streaming. Will Law from Akamai will talk about low-latency CMAF chunks and the standardization efforts around this.
  • Metadata is crucial for a good content discovery for online streaming. Arash Pendari from Vion Labs will talk about the importance of metadata and how data can be used to create good user expererience and reduce churn.
  • TV4 Play has been a pioneer in the Nordics to use server-side dynamic ad insertion for on demand and live content. Marcus Lindén from Bonnier Broadcasting will share his insights, experiences and challenges that remains with this technology.
  • Server-side ad insertion and programmatic buying can introduce a challenge to ensure that e.g. legal requirements are followed. David Springall from Yospace and Andy Jones from Adstream will describe the background of this problem and present a solution on how this can be solved.
  • Minimizing the amount of data sent not only saves CDN storage but also improves accessibility where available bandwidth is lower. Carl Lindqvist from Bonnier Broadcasting and Johan Skaneby from Eyevinn Technology will walk us through how you could compress video streams primarily by quality and not only by bitrate.
  • Jai Krishnan from Google will talk about AV1 and status of the codec from Alliance from Open Media and Jonatan Samuelsson will update us with the latest news from the MPEG standardization efforts around HEVC.

Streaming Tech Sweden 2017 is a Swedish conference with the dedicated focus on the technology for the future media consumer. The meeting place for tech managers, architects, developers and product managers looking to be educated and inspired by experts in this area, network with peers and bring home new thoughts and ideas

Hybrid CDN, Server-side Ad Insertion, Low-latency Streaming and AV1 vs HEVC are some of the topics that will be covered this year. We are looking forward to have speakers from both Sweden and abroad, and already confirmed speakers from Bonnier Broadcasting and Swedish Television.



Eyevinn Technology är det världsledande oberoende konsultbolaget specialiserade på streaming och videoteknik. Vi skapar värde genom att med teknisk specialistkompetens höja kvaliteten och förädla användarupplevelsen av kundernas tjänster.

Eyevinn Technology ingår i Vinngroup, en av Sveriges mest snabbväxande konsultgrupper. Verksamheten går ut på att bygga och utveckla specialiserade företag inom tydliga nischer. Vinngroup får människor och företag att växa och målet är att skapa tydliga resultat hos våra kunder.


Alexander Björneheim

Alexander Björneheim

Presskontakt VD Eyevinn Technology 070 316 66 53
Jonas Birmé

Jonas Birmé

Presskontakt VP R&D Eyevinn Technology 070-3047660

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Oberoende experter inom media-produktion och media-distribution

Eyevinn Technology är det världsledande oberoende konsultbolaget specialiserade på videoteknik och streaming. Med vår expertis hjälper vi vår bransch att säkerställa att användarens upplevelse är av högsta möjliga kvalitet. Vårt oberoende garanterar att våra kunder får opartiska råd och lösningar bäst anpassade för deras unika förutsättningar. Vi erbjuder tjänster inom teknikstrategi, systemarkitektur, projektledning och mjukvaruutveckling.

Eyevinn Technology ingår i Vinngroup, en av Sveriges mest snabbväxande konsultgrupper. Verksamheten går ut på att bygga och utveckla specialiserade företag inom tydliga nischer. Vinngroup får människor och företag att växa och målet är att skapa tydliga resultat hos våra kunder.


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