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Eyevinn Technology selects White-label Streaming Solution from Red Bee Media for Streaming Tech TV+

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Eyevinn Technology selects White-label Streaming Solution from Red Bee Media for Streaming Tech TV+

Eyevinn Technology selects Red Bee Media as the technology partner for the newly launched VOD service Streaming Tech TV+. A service where you find all recorded presentations from Streaming Tech Sweden events.

In conjunction with this year’s Streaming Tech Sweden the organizer of the event, Eyevinn Technology is launching Streaming Tech TV+, a service where you will find the recorded presentations from this and previous years’ events as well as other video material related to Streaming Tech Sweden. The presentations from 2018 will initially be available for free for attendees of this year’s event and will be made available for everyone mid next year.

As technology partner for Streaming Tech TV+, Eyevinn has selected the managed OTT service provided by Red Bee Media – a cloud-based white-label streaming solution with a pay-as-you grow model. Alexander Björneheim, CEO Eyevinn, comments on why they chose Red Bee Media as the provider for the service:

”We made a decision quite late in the process to launch a streaming service for Streaming Tech Sweden and as time did not allow us to build everything ourselves we saw that with Red Bee Media’s solution we could quickly be up and running with the service, and the functionality we required was already part of their standard offering. This together with their Fair Billing Policy made a great fit for our needs as we want to make the service widely available but only having to pay for the users actively using the service. Initially we will provide our content for free but we have the possibility to explore the option to make the exclusive content available earlier for a small fee.”

Streaming Tech TV+ is a VOD service and there are currently no plans to live stream the Streaming Tech Sweden events.

”We are very happy that Eyevinn found our solution to be the best fit for their needs and Streaming Tech TV+ is a great example of that Red Bee Media can provide OTT services for all types of companies and organizations, even those with a smaller consumer base. By automating the onboarding process and providing a self-service portal our standard product offering provides a setup with no startup fees and a billing policy where you only pay for active users.”,says Anders Wassén, Head of Development Red Bee Media Managed OTT.

About Red Bee Media
Red Bee Media is a leading global media services company with a staff of more than 2500 media service and broadcast experts. With the head office in London, UK, Red Bee Media provides services from 11 main hubs around the world. Every day, millions of people on all continents watch television programs prepared, managed and broadcast by Red Bee Media staff. Every year, the business delivers 4 million hours of programming in more than 60+ languages for over 500 TV channels. Red Bee Media’s OTT services include live transcoding of 233 channels for broadcasters and 119 standalone channels provided to 1.7 million subscribers. The company’s content discovery portfolio spans more than 10 million movies and program titles, covering over 25 languages, and includes an image database with over 90 percent of all programming available across traditional TV, VOD and SVOD. Red Bee Media also provides over 200,000 hours of captioning each year – more than 70,000 hours of which is live

About Eyevinn Technology

Eyevinn Technology is a leading consultancy company in video technology and media distribution. Vendor-independent video streaming specialists driving the industry forward. We help customers excel their online video services, arrange meet-ups, and educate the industry. Eyevinn consultants are though-leaders within video streaming brought together by our passion for media solutions. Our assignments range from technology strategy, due diligences, audits, proof-of-concepts to integration, development and designing solutions.

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Eyevinn Technology is a leading consultancy company in video technology and media distribution. Vendor-independent video streaming specialists driving the industry forward. We help customers excel their online video services, arrange meet-ups, and educate the industry. Eyevinn consultants are though-leaders within video streaming brought together by our passion for media solutions. Our assignments range from technology strategy, due diligences, audits, proof-of-concepts to integration, development and designing solutions.


Jonas Birmé

Jonas Birmé

Presskontakt VP R&D Eyevinn Technology 070-3047660

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Oberoende experter inom media-produktion och media-distribution

Eyevinn Technology är det världsledande oberoende konsultbolaget specialiserade på videoteknik och streaming. Med vår expertis hjälper vi vår bransch att säkerställa att användarens upplevelse är av högsta möjliga kvalitet. Vårt oberoende garanterar att våra kunder får opartiska råd och lösningar bäst anpassade för deras unika förutsättningar. Vi erbjuder tjänster inom teknikstrategi, systemarkitektur, projektledning och mjukvaruutveckling.

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