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Transparent revenue share model with the creator of open source
Transparent revenue share model with the creator of open source

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Eyevinn launches Open Source Cloud - world-first managed media services based on open source

Eyevinn Technology, leading video streaming technology consultants, launches Open Source Cloud. A software as a service based on open source with a unique transparent model where revenue is shared with the open source authors. Open Source Cloud offers media industry companies a quick way to incorporate open source in their solutions and the option to run the same software in-house as the source code is publicly available.

By using open source based software, the source code you are running is publicly available which gives you the benefit of having full insight into what it does. You also have the possibility to modify the code and contribute with fixes and enhancements. On the other hand it is often a bit cumbersome to get started and you need to invest both time and effort to just be able to evaluate it.

Open Source Cloud by Eyevinn Technology aims to solve this by making it simpler to start evaluating open source software with just a click of a button. It gives the users more time to spend on integrating the service in their solutions instead of figuring out how it should be deployed on their infrastructure. The source code for the software is publicly available which gives the user the option at any time to take this software in-house and not being locked in with a single vendor.

Lowering this barrier will also benefit the authors of open source as not all creators have the interest and money to invest in providing their software as a managed service. This easier access will increase the usage of their software and a larger user-base will be able to provide the creator with valuable feedback to improve their software. And with the revenue share model, creators have a financial motivation to further develop the software.

Eyevinn Technology, leading video streaming technology consultants, has year-long experience of contributing to the media industry with open source software. By launch of Open Source Cloud all of Eyevinn's open source will be available in the service, and media related open source from other creators will be added within weeks and the service will continuously expand with more.

One example of the services you can find today in Open Source Cloud is a white-label Chromecast receiver that enables you to add your company branding without having to write a single line of code. Another example is an engine that allows you to build numerous linear TV channels in an extremely cost-efficient way. A third example is a continue-watching micro service providing a user of your streaming service the functionality to continue watching where they left off on any of their devices.

The subscription fee for one service starts at 200 EUR per month. A 30-day free trial is offered during the month of March 2024 where you can subscribe to as many open source services as you like at a 100% discount.

For more information about Open Source Cloud and this press release:

Jonas Birmé
VP R&D Eyevinn Technology
Email: jonas.birme@eyevinn.se

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Eyevinn Technology är det världsledande oberoende konsultbolaget specialiserade på videoteknik och streaming. Med vår expertis hjälper vi vår bransch att säkerställa att användarens upplevelse är av högsta möjliga kvalitet. Vårt oberoende garanterar att våra kunder får opartiska råd och lösningar bäst anpassade för deras unika förutsättningar. Vi erbjuder tjänster inom teknikstrategi, systemarkitektur, projektledning och mjukvaruutveckling.

Eyevinn Technology ingår i Vinngroup, en av Sveriges mest snabbväxande konsultgrupper. Verksamheten går ut på att bygga och utveckla specialiserade företag inom tydliga nischer. Vinngroup får människor och företag att växa och målet är att skapa tydliga resultat hos våra kunder.


Alexander Björneheim

Alexander Björneheim

Presskontakt VD Eyevinn Technology 070 316 66 53
Jonas Birmé

Jonas Birmé

Presskontakt VP R&D Eyevinn Technology 070-3047660

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Oberoende experter inom media-produktion och media-distribution

Eyevinn Technology är det världsledande oberoende konsultbolaget specialiserade på videoteknik och streaming. Med vår expertis hjälper vi vår bransch att säkerställa att användarens upplevelse är av högsta möjliga kvalitet. Vårt oberoende garanterar att våra kunder får opartiska råd och lösningar bäst anpassade för deras unika förutsättningar. Vi erbjuder tjänster inom teknikstrategi, systemarkitektur, projektledning och mjukvaruutveckling.

Eyevinn Technology ingår i Vinngroup, en av Sveriges mest snabbväxande konsultgrupper. Verksamheten går ut på att bygga och utveckla specialiserade företag inom tydliga nischer. Vinngroup får människor och företag att växa och målet är att skapa tydliga resultat hos våra kunder.


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