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​ WIESLAB® Classical Pathway assay – optimized semi-quantitative method for functional assessment

WIESLAB® Classical pathway ELISA (Euro Diagnostica AB, Sweden) has until now been on the market as a qualitative test for measuring the activity of the classical pathway. However, due to an increased awareness and interest in the complement system, the assay has now been redesigned.

The redesign includes a possibility to dilute a six point calibrator and an external activity control to meet the needs for a simple and objective quantitative method to assess the activity of the classical complement pathway.

The study was presented during the 15th European Meeting on Complement in Human Disease (EMCHD) in Uppsala, July 28-30 2015. You find the link to the poster here. Several other posters and oral presentations during the meeting highlighted the importance to assess the function of respective pathway of the complement system and also referred to results obtained by using different WIESLAB® Complement ELISA tests. Link to the congress

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