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Atle Knudsen, CEO Entelios Nordic
Atle Knudsen, CEO Entelios Nordic

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Entelios expands in the Nordic energy market and has reached an agreement with Scandem to buy the assets of Scandem Oy portfolio and local operation in Finland.

Kristiansand, Norway (September 1st, 2020) Entelios, the leading energy provider in the B2B market in Norway, announced today that they have bought Scandem OY customer portfolio and local operations in Finland. In the Nordic region, Entelios Nordic is already responsible for a customer portfolio of over 20 TWh. With this deal Entelios will also manage a volume of approx. 1 TWh in Finland.

The asset deal of Scandem OY customers and employees, based in Vantaa, Finland further increases Entelios position in the Scandinavian energy market. Entelios handles large Nordic customers with physical delivery of renewable energy and associated advanced portfolio management, handled by our teams in Norway and Sweden. Entelios have strategic ambitions to become one of the leading players in the Nordic energy market.

“We are very pleased to announce that Entelios has procured Scandem OY portfolio and associated staff. Scandem OY clients will now be taken care by the Entelios family. We know that we will have admission to a company with a strong customer base and very competent staff. With this expansion Entelios will be able to take the next step in the realization of our strategic plan," said Atle Knudsen, CEO Entelios.

The operations in Finland will be run by Entelios OY as of October 1st, 2020, and is then wholly owned by Entelios, a subsidiary of Agder Energi.

“Scandem OY has a good reputation and strong customer relations in Finland, and we see a great advantage in being able to offer our Nordic customers local knowledge and be served in the local language. Also, for our pan-Nordic customers, we see an advantage in offering portfolio managers in Finland. We look forward to being able to increase our footprint among Nordic customers thanks to this opportunity. Scandem OY's customers will be handled by the same team as before, but we will also be able to offer a range of related services in management, energy reporting and energy services and especially in demand flexibility where Finland has come a long way”, said Kolbjørn Hembre, Nordic Sales Manager Entelios.


About Entelios

Entelios is a leading Northern European energy company. Entelios assists industry, business, and the public sector with everything from purchasing and supply of electricity, new energy solutions, dynamic power consumption and financial hedging products.

Entelios is fully owned by Agder Energi, a leading Norwegian hydropower company based in South of Norway, with history and experience that goes back a hundred years. Agder Energi develops market solutions for the future through partnerships with leading technology players and though ownership positions in European companies. Entelios is an important part of this strategy and was established by Agder Energi to focus on the new trends in the power market – a market characterized by a need for efficiency, electrification and increasingly new renewable energy internationally.

Entelios offers clean energy, cutting-edge expertise and technology that enables industrial companies, businesses, and the public sector to become leaders in climate-friendly energy solutions. Our core business is the management and trading of renewable energy in the Nordic and European electricity markets on behalf of our customers.

  • Entelios has 150 employees in 8 locations (Oslo, Arendal, Kristiansand, Stockholm, Gothenburg, Berlin, Munich, and Zurich)
  • In the Nordic region, Entelios is responsible for a customer portfolio of over 20 TWh (annual consumption corresponds to approximately 1.3 million households)
  • The company offers 100% renewable energy guarantees to all clients

Read more about Entelios at www.entelios.com


Adrian Selberg

Adrian Selberg

Presskontakt Digital Marknadskoordinator +46 72 070 96 39

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Entelios kumppaniksi Rechargelle, Pohjoismaiden johtavalle sähköautojen latausyritykselle

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Välkommen till Entelios!

Entelios är Norges största elleverantör till företag inom privat och offentlig sektor. Vi hjälper våra kunder i hela Norden att uppnå en mer lönsam och hållbar energianvändning. Detta görs genom att erbjuda förnybar energi, spetskompetens och innovativ teknik som säkerställer kunderna branschledande, klimatvänliga energilösningar. Bolaget ingår i Å Energi, den ledande norska vattenkraftskoncern.

Entelios har 82 anställda fördelade på sju platser (Oslo, Arendal, Kristiansand, Stockholm, Göteborg, Vantaa och Aalborg.)
Entelios har ansvar för en kundportfölj på över 25 TWh (årsförbrukning för ca 1,3 miljoner hushåll).
Entelios är ett dotterbolag till Å Energi


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