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ScanOcean and Vegoil Lead the Way with Innovative Renewable Marine Fuel Blend Based on Swedish-produced RME

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ScanOcean and Vegoil Lead the Way with Innovative Renewable Marine Fuel Blend Based on Swedish-produced RME

ScanOcean and Vegoil are at the forefront of reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from marine transports with their groundbreaking collaboration. Recently, the vessel Key Fjord, transporting renewable products, was successfully bunkered with a B30-DMA fuel containing renewable feedstock of RME from Energifabriken in the port of Oskarshamn on 2024-07-19.

This successful bunkering operation marks the start of a significant partnership between ScanOcean and Vegoil, aiming to leverage Swedish-produced RME as renewable feedstock for drop-in blends in marine fuels.

The B30-DMA fuel, based on RME (Rapeseed Methyl Ester), is certified according to ISCC-EU standards. This fuel not only supports the reduction of GHG emissions, in compliance with EU ETS obligations, but also significantly enhances the Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) and Clean Shipping Index (CSI) scores for vessels.

Lars Lövsund of ScanOcean AB stated, “We are thrilled to partner with Vegoil in launching this innovative marine fuel. The green transition requires visionary companies to lead the charge, and we are proud to be part of this pioneering step.”

Christopher Thelin of Vegoil added, “Together with ScanOcean, we are committed to demonstrating that sustainable shipping is not just a future goal but a present reality. We hope to inspire other ship and cargo owners to take similar steps towards reducing GHG emissions. We are also excited to offer our customers maritime transportation with renewable fuels, reinforcing our commitment to a renewable society.”

Sigbjørn Tysse of Seatank Chartering commented, “We are proud to operate Key Fjord and support this innovative initiative. By adopting renewable marine fuels, we are setting a new standard for sustainable shipping solutions. Additionally, our certification according to ISO-14001-2015 underscores our dedication to environmental management and sustainability.”

About ScanOcean AB

ScanOcean AB is a leading Swedish supplier of marine fuels, offering a wide range of products, including those with renewable content, certified under ISCC.

About Vegoil

Vegoil, part of Energifabriken, specializes in renewable fuels for heating and transportation needs. Operating in the Nordic region, Vegoil serves companies and organizations that aim to lead the transition to a renewable society. They are proud to now offer their customers marine transportation with renewable fuels.

About Seatank Chartering

Seatank Chartering is a maritime operator specializing in the management and operation of tanker vessels. Committed to sustainable shipping solutions, Seatank Chartering focuses on reducing environmental impact through innovative practices and partnerships.

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Energifabriken hjälper företag och organisationer att bli fossilfria genom att ersätta fossil diesel och eldningsolja med förnybara alternativ som förnybar diesel, RME och elektrifiering. För att lösa logistiken erbjuder vi smarta tankstationer med samma funktionalitet som den stora macken vid motorvägen.



Supply Chain Manager +46 706 57 47 91 Website Vegoil

Sigbjørn Tysse

Sr. Ship Charterer +47 91 61 93 19

Energifabrikens vision är att öka tempot i omställningen till ett 100% förnybart samhälle och göra det enkelt att välja förnybart idag.

Energifabriken har sedan 2006 arbetat med förnybara drivmedel och bränslen för uppvärmning. Vi är fossiloberoende. Våra produkter ersätter fossil olja. Vi är 30 medarbetare och omsätter 1,5 miljarder kronor. Ägarna driver även tre gårdar där bla råvaror till biobränslen odlas. Livscykelanalys och helhetssyn genomsyrar vårt arbete.


Gjuterigatan 1D
58273 Linköping