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Best for the World Broadcast - 48 hours of live stream on the theme 'Choose Wisely'
Best for the World Broadcast - 48 hours of live stream on the theme 'Choose Wisely'

Press release -

Choose Wisely - the 2024 theme for Best for the World Broadcast

The 5th live broadcast event called Best for the World Broadcast is comming up - this years theme is 'Choose Wisely'.

In March 2020 Emprogage took initiative for a live broadcast during the many lockdowns in cities and of whole countries due to the Coronavirus. The world was in synchronicity while at the same time people experiencing the systems of the old paradigm crumbling, and we as humans presented with an infinite opportunity. We saw it as an invitation to collectively pause, take the time to reflect on where we are going, and even more importantly on where we intentionally want to go as persons, teams, organizations, societies, and humanity as a whole. The event brought 100 people togheter from all over the world and some 50 concepts where broadcasted during 4 days on the theme 'The World in Synchronicity'.

Since then the Best for the World Broadcast has continued each year in the end of March and in 2021 the theme was 'A Year of Change' focusing on what we had learned and what if we see the accelerating change curve as a possibility curve. In 2022 the theme was 'An Opening for Action' addressing that our choices are more vital and impactful than ever and how can we apply a ‘both’ and ‘and’ principle in decisionmaking. The World as we know it is in powerful transformation and all aspects of the world are open for emergence and intentional agency and in 2023 the theme 'Being the Change' rose the awarness of that now is the time to see and be the light!

With the hosting of the live broadcast Emprogage continues the endavour of bringing people together and having meaningful dialogues, reflections, and intents that move us in the direction of what is best for the world. We are proud to present this years theme:

Choose Wisely

Choosing wisely requires us to take a very active role, mentally exploring the various implications of what the various options might be, considering the potential consequences of our choices, and act with intentionality and integrity. It also implicates wisdom to be basis of our decision-making.

A global torch of hope and belief in the present

– how we as humans can connect and amplify ideas, projects, and systems for a greater good and create a new story of us as humanity.

We see a world where winners don’t define losers. Where I and WE are ONE. A paradigm where everyone can win and where we all take intentional decisions that work for what is best for the world. A paradigm where every person’s choices matter and where we all are whole.

The society we create

We have been taught the story of becoming best in the world – a story where competition and materialism rules. The law of the jungle – you have to win and the second is the first loser. In that paradigm, every winner has at least one loser. The environment is something outside us, something else than us. The story is that whatever happens to the world, or even in the world, it is nothing we can do anything about.

We strive to become the best in the world – on behalf of all the rest. In that paradigm, we have separated us from the whole. I can’t help or contribute when there are problems in my organisation, in my society or in the world. Someone else is to be blamed.

We need to feel, see and experience to be able to understand a bigger picture. At the same time, we have been taught to reduce systems to make them simple. What then happens is that the power of the system is lost. An alternative is to use heuristic and simple principles to navigate the system.

Intentional Decisions

How can we create the future we want? What principles are valid (or even needed) in the new paradigm? What happens if our decisions create our perception? And what if perception really creates reality?

Can we then make intentional decisions and heal ourselves and at the same time heal the world? Can we create such a framework?

Starting out with the breathtaking insight of us as creators of our future, the Intentional Decisions model describes how we as people of planet Earth can find both why and ways to co-create a new story for humanity and all living forms based on guiding principles and intentional decisions. A story where we all can be best for the world!

Intentional Decisions is a compelling model for raising awareness of the possibility of choice (a variety of choices), serves as an ethical framework for our choices and empowers us with the ability to decide (the process of choosing, i.e. pick one).

It gives a framework where man is an integrated part of nature and where the time horizon is 3-4 generations.

Best for the World Broadcast - live stream

We bring a global torch of hope in the form of a live broadcast filled with content that is best for the world for 48 hours (March, 22nd-24th). The program’s content is of holistic nature and spans over various topics addressing the person, team, organization, and society. We broadcast 24 hours round starting Friday 22nd at 18 (CET) from a live studio in Lomma, Sweden.

You can follow the live stream on our YouTube channel.

Invitation to co-create

"The future is not something we should be equipped to meet –The future is something we create!"

We invite you to co-create the future with us. Different ways of how you can contribute with your gifts to the live broadcast are hosting a concept yourself or participating in a concept - please also share the information in your network. Further information and descriptions of contents, timetable and videos can be found at our website:

Welcome to co-create the shift from best in the world to best for the world!

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EMPROGAGE consists of a group of consultants who share the desire to make the world a bit better. Our three words empathy, pro-activity, and engagement do not only form the basis of our business philosophy, but also form our name EMPROGAGE. We believe in the power of the individual to make a better world through their conscious decisions. And together we work for what is best for the world. EMPROGAGE is our context and our meeting place. We are creating the future together.

Emprogage was founded at the end of 2018 and is collectively owned by 15 Emprogagers. Emprogage's way of working is self-organizing and co-creative. At the beginning of 2018 over 40 people were involved in the design of Emprogage. Emprogage is perceived as a web of life - we use the tree as a metaphor. An adaptive and fluid cell structure provides Emprogagers as well as Co-creators the opportunity to engage in projects they perceive as meaningful. The ownership of Emprogage is through the individual companies its members have established themselves. That means Emprogage is at the same time a personal company as well as a collective. The aspect of non-duality is found in many aspects of Emprogage's way of working, for example in the collective leadership responsibility and decentralized decision-

The Emprogagers have experience in facilitation, transformation work, and leadership development and are involved in many co-creations. For an overview of services and currently involved projects visit


Stellan Nordahl

Stellan Nordahl

Press contact Co-creator World 0707-482582 Ship of a New Story Emprogage Best for the World

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We work for what is best for the world

EMPROGAGE consists of a group of consultants who share the desire to make the world a bit better. Our three words empathy, pro-activity and engagement do not only form the basis of our business philosophy, but also form our name EMPROGAGE. We believe in the power of the individual to make a better world through their conscious decisions. And together we work for what is best for the world. EMPROGAGE is our context and our meeting place. We are creating the future together.

Emprogage was founded in the end of 2018 and is collectively owned by 15 Emprogagers. In the beginning of 2018 over 40 people were involved in the design of Emprogage.

The Emprogagers have experience in facilitation, transformation work and leadership development. They work on the personal, team, business and societal level.


Ideon Science Park, Scheelevägen 15
223 70 Lund