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Invitation to Emprogage Root Cell Day

Invitation to Emprogage Root Cell Day

Event date 27 January 2023 08:30 – 15:30

Location Qvality Digital Sweden, Hanögatan 2, Malmö 

Welcome to all co-creators of Emprogage!
We are excited to announce our next Root Cell Day on January 27th, a learning conference designed specifically for all Root Cells.

What: Root Cell Day
When: Jan 27th 8:30-15:30
Where: Qvality Digital Sweden, Hanögatan 2, Malmö

As a self-organizing consultancy firm, we don't have any traditional departments. All work is conducted in cells.

During this conference, we will have the opportunity to learn from one another and share our expertise. We will be discussing the latest trends and developments in our industry, as well as sharing our best practices and insights. The day will be filled with interactive sessions and workshops, where we can discuss, learn, and share our experiences.

This is a great opportunity for us to come together as a team and to build our skills and knowledge. This conference is all about learning, growing, and co-creating together. We will have the opportunity to meet with other Root Cells and create new connections with our colleagues.

We are looking forward to an engaging and productive day, and we hope that you will join us on January 27th. This is a unique opportunity to learn from one another, share our experiences, and build our skills and knowledge. We hope to see you all there!

The roots of a tree

The roots of a tree are the parts that don’t bear any nodes, nor do they ever leaf. They are the base of the tree. Just like a house, the stronger the base, the stronger the structure will be.

To ensure that a tree thrive to its fullest potential, it’s critical to make sure that the tree roots are in good shape. The roots absorb water, minerals, and nutrients directly from the soil and into the stem and then dispersed throughout the tree—into the branches, the leaves, any budding flowers on the tree, any fruit growing on the tree, and so on.

Roots also store necessary nutrients and food for future needs. This storage by the roots is how trees survive the colder months.

The roots of the tree act as an anchor, keeping the tree in place. The stronger the root system is, the harder it will be for the tree to uproot. The roots of the tree also determine the alignment of the tree. Strong tree root systems also play a very interesting role in shaping the environment around the tree.

Root Cells

The Root Cells constitutes the roots and gives support to all other parts of the Emprogage tree. The root area is concerned with ideas and functions that address the structural and cultural development of Emprogage.

Cell Areas

The four cell areas of Emprogage – Consulting, Exploration, Development, Root – meet once a year for a tactical meeting, where lessons learned and best practices are shared and where the cells in the area learn together. Each quarter a different cell area meets. All co-creators from the cell area are invited to participate. In that way, the learnings from tactical cell levels are transferred to the operational and strategic levels of Emprogage. Through this integration of learnings, the consciousness of Emprogage expands and evolves through the dialogical learning of Co-creators and results in changes in culture and structure. Put differently, energy flows through the Heartwood of the metaphorical Emprogage tree, where changes in the Backbone (What), DNA (How), Purpose (Purpose) and Soul (Roots) lead to changes in all the other functions. A change in one aspect means a change in the whole and vice versa.

Emprogagers and the Emprogage Environment

An Emprogager is a Co-creator and Owner of the collective Emprogage. As an Emprogager it is important to be able to relate to oneself, in other words, to be conscious of one’s own consciousness, in order to be able to relate to Emprogage and to others. This means to continuously ask oneself the root, why, how, and what questions to develop personal strategies, tactics, and operations. All Emprogagers are self-organised, share the purpose of Emprogage, and work in line with the Organising Principles. Every Emprogager is part of at least one cell of each of the four cell areas, to be able to be whole. Any two Emprogagers have together the authority to sign for the firm.

A Co-creator is a person or entity that creates together with Emprogagers. Usually, Co-creators become part of a cell or are the recipient of design deliveries. A Co-creator can be part of many various organisations, contexts, and functions.

Consultants are persons that have signed a subcontract with Emprogage and are co-creators for a specific assignment or time period. The contract is an enabler of creating together and states services, relations, etc.

For more information about Emprogage’s way of working, check out our website, as well as the Emproage Being Document.


If you are interested in joining the Development Cell Day please get in contact with the Operational Triad of Emprogage.

The Operational Triad is a cell with a specific structure and function to govern the Heart Wood of Emprogage. The operational triad’s main task is to ensure the operational workings of Emprogage as an entity. It can be understood as a support cell for all the other cells. It also exists as the legal stewardship of Emprogage AB.

Heart Wood office: Emprogage, Ideon Science Park, Scheelevägen 15, 223 63 Sweden

EMPROGAGE consists of consultants who share the desire to make the world a bit better. Our three words empathy, proactivity, and engagement do not only form the basis of our business philosophy, but also form our name EMPROGAGE. We believe in the power of the individual to make a better world through their conscious decisions. And together we work for what is best for the world. EMPROGAGE is our context and our meeting place. We are creating the future together.

Emprogage was founded in 2018 and is today collectively owned by 20 Emprogagers. Emprogage’s way of working is self-organizing and co-creative. At the beginning of 2018 over 40 people were involved in the design of Emprogage. Emprogage is perceived as a web of life – we use the tree as a metaphor. An adaptive and fluid cell structure provides Emprogagers as well as Co-creators the opportunity to engage in projects they perceive as meaningful. The ownership of Emprogage is through the individual companies its members have established themselves. That means Emprogage is at the same time a personal company as well as a collective. The aspect of non-duality is found in many aspects of Emprogage’s way of working, for example in the collective leadership responsibility and decentralized decision-making.

The Emprogagers have experience in facilitation, transformation work, and leadership development and are involved in many co-creations. For an overview of services and currently involved projects visit



Stellan Nordahl

Stellan Nordahl

Press contact Co-creator World 0707-482582 Ship of a New Story Emprogage Best for the World

We work for what is best for the world

EMPROGAGE consists of a group of consultants who share the desire to make the world a bit better. Our three words empathy, pro-activity and engagement do not only form the basis of our business philosophy, but also form our name EMPROGAGE. We believe in the power of the individual to make a better world through their conscious decisions. And together we work for what is best for the world. EMPROGAGE is our context and our meeting place. We are creating the future together.

Emprogage was founded in the end of 2018 and is collectively owned by 15 Emprogagers. In the beginning of 2018 over 40 people were involved in the design of Emprogage.

The Emprogagers have experience in facilitation, transformation work and leadership development. They work on the personal, team, business and societal level.


Ideon Science Park, Scheelevägen 15
223 70 Lund