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Innovativ Innovation

Innovativ Innovation

Event date 15 June 2022 10:00 – 12:00

Hur kan innovation göras innovativ?

Välkommen till Skåne Innovation Week 13-17 juni där vi tillsammans med bland andra Folkuniversitetet, Sirius Sound och Nykraft erbjuder 4 unika workshops om just innovativ innovation.

I serien tar vi utifrån innovation oss an var och en av fyra aspekter av att vara människa: vårt intellekt, våra emotioner, vår kropp och våra relationer.

Mer information och anmälan i länkarna nedan: 

15/6 kl 10-12: Dans för innovation – den fysiska dimensionen - LUND
15/6 kl 20-22: Glass Bead Game – den intellektuella dimensionen - DIGITALT
16/6 kl 14-17: Lekosofi-workshop – den sociala dimensionen - MALMÖ
17/6 kl 16-17: Meditation för innovation – den emotionella dimensionen - KÄVLINGE

#skåneinnovationweek #skaneinnovationweek #innovation #innovativ #innovative #startup #organisation #nybyggaranda #närvaro #nu #meditation #dans #lek #glaspärlespelet



Stellan Nordahl

Stellan Nordahl

Press contact Co-creator World 0707-482582 Ship of a New Story Emprogage Best for the World

We work for what is best for the world

EMPROGAGE consists of a group of consultants who share the desire to make the world a bit better. Our three words empathy, pro-activity and engagement do not only form the basis of our business philosophy, but also form our name EMPROGAGE. We believe in the power of the individual to make a better world through their conscious decisions. And together we work for what is best for the world. EMPROGAGE is our context and our meeting place. We are creating the future together.

Emprogage was founded in the end of 2018 and is collectively owned by 15 Emprogagers. In the beginning of 2018 over 40 people were involved in the design of Emprogage.

The Emprogagers have experience in facilitation, transformation work and leadership development. They work on the personal, team, business and societal level.


Ideon Science Park, Scheelevägen 15
223 70 Lund