Benefits and solutions with JBoss EAP

Tid 6 Mars 2014 08:30 – 10:00

Plats Location; Elva, Garvargatan 9c, Stockholm

Welcome to a breakfast seminar with elva and Red Hat. During this seminar we will highlight the benefits and show the technical reasons why JBoss EAP is more than 50% effective than similar application servers in development and maintenance. We will also explore the advantages in the design of JBoss EAP 6 for the cloud. Finally we will have a look into how JBoss fits into your roadmap. The presenter is Xander D Harkness of Red Hat where he has worked for over ten years. During that time he has been engaged teaching advanced RHCA courses, on site with customers as a consultant, and also as an Enterprise Architect. For the last four years he has been running Red Hat University, educating all Red Hat’s sales people in EMEA... So don´t miss the opportunity to hear him speak about Red Hat and explain the benefits with EAP. Probably you will leave the session with a lot of new insights and hopefully you have also got to know more colleagues within the IT industry. Agenda 8:30 Registration and breakfast 9:00 Welcome- Patric Svanberg, CEO elva 9:05 EAP- Xander D Harkness, Partner Sales Manager Red Hat 9:45 Q&A and discussions – Xander D Harkness, Partner Sales Manager Red Hat RSVP by latest the 4th of March to Both elva and Red Hat welcomes you warmly to this breakfast seminar.


  • breakfast seminar
  • events
  • evenemang
  • elvagruppen
  • elva
  • red hat
  • jboss eap
  • jboss eap6


Maria Högberg

Presskontakt Marknadschef +46 733 49 11 50

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