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​Plastic Bank Premiere in Sweden

Now it's decided, the founder and CEO of Plastic Bank, David Katz, opens the well-established packaging fair Empack in Stockholm, Sweden in October. Plastic Bank is a social initiative that quickly has gone viral all over the world for its work in combating climate change on Earth. This autumn Plastic Bank will, for the first time, visit Sweden to speak about their work, their results and their impressive goals ahead.

There is a huge problem with the plastics in the oceans and not least in the world's poorest countries. Plastic Bank is a social initiative launched by two ingenious guys, David Katz and Shaun Frankson.

“Considering the global deposits of plastic in the environment are worth over 8 trillion dollars, we believe we've inadvertently been depositing the value to end global poverty. We know that there has never been a more important time to act.” – says David Katz, founder and CEO Plastic Bank.

Plastic Bank fights ocean plastic and alleviates extreme poverty by empowering disenfranchised communities to turn pollution into wealth. Collected plastic can be exchanged by local residents for rewards such as cash, digital tokens, school tuition, healthcare, and insurance. Membership Bonuses are added to rewards to ensure stable and fair wages for our Members. The plastic is then recycled into raw material, called Social Plastic®, and used to manufacture new products. Plastic Bank call this circular economy, the Social Plastic Ecosystem. The initiative is spreading faster and faster worldwide and in 2017, Plastic Bank received the UN's prize "Momentum for Change", the Climate Solutions Award, to counteract climate change on Earth.

"It is an impressive initiative that is right in time and we are really looking forward to welcoming David Katz to Sweden and Empack." - says Emelie Törn, Project Manager for Empack.

The plastic issue is a big part of the packaging industry and Empack will have a clear focus on plastic and future packaging material. In addition to Plastic Bank, which raises the global problem of plastic in our oceans, the exhibition will highlight "The Plastic Debate" a new debate format that comes from Easyfairs packaging concept in England.

“A lot of discussion regarding the plastics material is negative. The impact on society and the environment is described as catastrophic. This is not true, it is about how it is used, if it is circular and recycled it can be both environmentally friendly and valuable. As a packaging show, we feel a responsibility to raise the plastic issue at this meeting place”- says Emelie Törn.

For more information visit or contact: Emelie Torn, project manager, +46 (0) 704 34 45 41,

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Koncernen arrangerar idag 218 mässor i 17 länder (Algeriet, Belgien, Danmark, Finland, Frankrike, Förenade Arabemiraten, Kina, Nederländerna, Norge, Portugal, Schweiz, Singapore, Spanien, Storbritannien, Sverige, Tyskland och USA). Easyfairs driver dessutom 10 mässanläggningar i Belgien, Nederländerna och Sverige (Antwerpen, Gent, Nekkerhal – Mechelen, Namur, Gorinchem, Hardenberg, Venray, Göteborg, Malmö och Stockholm).

Koncernen har drygt 750 anställda och omsatte under verksamhetsåret 2017–2018 drygt 157 miljoner euro.

Besök vår webbplats för mer information:


Sofie Dagnelid

Sofie Dagnelid

Press contact Head of MIT Marketing, Intelligence, Technology

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