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Learning, networking and discover the latest at Embedded Conference Scandinavia 2024
Learning, networking and discover the latest at Embedded Conference Scandinavia 2024

Press release -

Embedded Conference Scandinavia 2024: The Future of Embedded Technology

Providing a unique platform for learning, networking, and discovering the latest. Embedded Conference Scandinavia is set to take place at Kistamässan, Stockholm, on April 10-11, 2024. This premier event converges the brightest minds in the embedded technology space.

Learn from Industry experts:
The Embedded conference will showcase technical sessions from some of the industry's leading experts and innovators. Attendees will have the opportunity to gain insights into the latest trends and create best practices shaping the future of embedded technology. Industry professionals, researchers and entrepreneurs all have the chance to network at Embedded Conference Scandinavia.

Network with peers:
Embedded Conference Scandinavia is a networking hub for like-minded individuals passionate about embedded technology. Share one's experiences and establish new valuable relationships. The collaborative atmosphere promotes the exchange of ideas and the formation of partnerships that can drive innovation in the embedded technology sector.

Discover new technologies:
Attendees will have full access to Elektronikmässan and Advanced Engineering exhibition area, featuring the latest products and solutions from leading vendors and solution providers in the electronics, and embedded technology industries. This hands-on experience allows participants to explore new technologies, witness live demonstrations, and gain practical insights that can enhance their projects and work.

Gain inspiration:
The Embedded Conference Scandinavia is a source of inspiration for engineers, researchers, and entrepreneurs seeking new ideas and insights into the future of embedded technology. Attendees will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in inspiring talks and learn about groundbreaking projects that are pushing the boundaries of what's achievable with embedded technology.

Embedded Conference Scandinavia, April 10-11, 2024, at Kistamässan, Stockholm.

Get more information about how to participate:

Embedded Conference Scandinavia is a leading event in the embedded technology space, bringing together professionals, researchers, and entrepreneurs to explore the latest developments and innovations. The conference provides a platform for learning, networking, and discovering cutting-edge technologies that shape the future of embedded systems.



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