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Easyfairs Nordic announces the re-launch of Empack Tampere

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Easyfairs Nordic announces the re-launch of Empack Tampere

Easyfairs Nordic is thrilled to announce the re-launch of Empack Tampere, the region's premier packaging event. Empack Tampere is set to take place on 11-12 of September 2024 at Tamper Fair and Sportscenter with a commitment to drive innovation and sustainability in the packaging industry.

Empack is designed to bring together the entire packaging ecosystem, from suppliers and manufacturers to designers and decision-makers. With a focus on innovation, sustainability, and cutting-edge solutions, the event aims to drive forward the packaging industry in the Nordic region.

"With Empack Stockholm just around the corner on October 4-5, the introduction of Empack Tampere in 2024 marks a significant step forward in strengthening our relationships within the Nordic region. These events serve as invaluable platforms for industry leaders, professionals, and innovators to come together, exchange ideas, and drive positive change in the packaging sector." Sofie Dagnelid Head of Marketing at Easyfairs Nordic.

Finland's strategic importance in the packaging industry stems from its advantageous geographical location, strong manufacturing base, commitment to innovation and sustainability, strict quality standards, and its role as a gateway to key markets. These factors collectively make Finland an attractive and strategic market for businesses operating in the packaging sector.

Empack Tampere offers a dynamic platform for industry professionals, featuring a comprehensive exhibition hall showcasing the latest products, services, and technologies in the packaging sector. Attendees will have the unique opportunity to explore a diverse range of offerings from leading suppliers and manufacturers. The event also places a strong emphasis on innovation, spotlighting groundbreaking technologies that are shaping the future of packaging, including eco-friendly materials and smart packaging solutions.

"Easyfairs has established itself as a powerhouse in the packaging segment all across Europe, boasting influential brands such as Empack, Packaging Innovation, Pent-Awards, London Packaging Week, and Paris Packaging Week. We are proud to bring this wealth of expertise and industry knowledge back to the Nordic region, further solidifying our commitment to driving innovation and sustainability in the packaging industry. "We are excited to re-launch Empack Tampere with a strong focus on sustainability and cutting-edge technologies and drive positive change in the packaging industry " – says Sofie Dagnelid Head of Marketing at Easyfairs Nordic.

Furthermore, Easyfairs Nordic's steadfast commitment to Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles and sustainability is evident in how Empack Tampere's edition places a strong emphasis on prioritizing sustainability. Experts, thought leaders, and practitioners will engage in discussions and showcase sustainable packaging solutions that contribute to a greener future. In addition to these enriching experiences, the event provides ample networking opportunities, enabling attendees to connect with industry peers, forge valuable business relationships, and exchange ideas with like-minded professionals.


Om Easyfairs

Easyfairs organiserar och genomför event som ger professionella aktörer möjlighet att tillsammans blicka in i framtiden.

Vi arrangerar i dag över 200 event i 14 länder (Algeriet, Belgien, Danmark, Finland, Frankrike, Italien, Nederländerna, Norge, Portugal, Schweiz, Spanien, Storbritannien, Sverige och Tyskland) och driver åtta mässanläggningar i Belgien, Nederländerna och Sverige (Antwerpen, Gent, Mechelen-Bryssel Nord, Namur, Gorinchem, Hardenberg, Malmö och Stockholm).

Vår målsättning och det vi brinner för är att ”easifiera” livet för våra kunder och öka ROI:n både finansiellt och tidsmässigt genom en heltäckande strategi, avancerad teknik och kundorienterade upplägg. Våra digitala lösningar och system erbjuder unika möjligheter till effektivt nätverkande och affärsmöjligheter året runt.

Easyfairs Group har 800 engagerade medarbetare, utnyttjar de bästa marknadsförings- och IT-verktygen och utvecklar varumärken som möter våra intressenters behov.

För femte året i rad tilldelade Deloitte Easyfairs status som ”Best Managed Company”, 2023.

Easyfairs är rankad som nummer 11 av världens främsta mässarrangörer enligt STAX årliga ranking

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För ytterligare information, kontakta:

Anne Lafère

Group CEO

Matt Benyon

Group CEO


Sofie Dagnelid

Sofie Dagnelid

Press contact Head of MIT Marketing, Intelligence, Technology

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Easyfairs organiserar och genomför event som ger professionella aktörer möjlighet att tillsammans blicka in i framtiden. Vi driver Kistamässan och Malmömässan och arrangerar mässor i Göteborg.

Easyfairs Nordic

Åby Arenaväg 8
431 62 Mölndal