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Dugga is now integrated and ready to use through Skolon. Users can now even access their Dugga accounts directly in Skolon  /Photo: Stefan Stefancik
Dugga is now integrated and ready to use through Skolon. Users can now even access their Dugga accounts directly in Skolon /Photo: Stefan Stefancik

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Swedish digital learning assessment system Dugga initiates collaboration with Skolon

Swedish EdTech Dugga, an easy-to-use, safe and flexible system for digital tests, examinations, homework assessment and other types of knowledge assessment, announces today a new collaboration with Skolon.

- Providing a digital solution for safe examinations and exams is a current need we have seen among Sweden’s municipalities, as schools are becoming increasingly digitalized. Dugga not only enables a secure way of knowledge assessment, but also in its entirety it is a smooth solution for both teachers and students. Therefore, we are very pleased to welcome Dugga to Skolon, says Sebastian Matuska, Partner Manager at Skolon.

- For teachers, it's about being able to do what they really want to do: to teach and help each individual reach her/his full potential. The system primarily ensures an objective assessment with flexible tools for different needs, says Claudia Rademaker, co-founder and chairman of Dugga.

Dugga is now integrated and ready to use via Skolon, which means that users will now be able to reach their Dugga accounts directly in Skolon.

- Working together with Skolon, we see as an important part of our work in making Dugga easily accessible to schools. Integration with Skolon also means that schools and teachers can save a lot of time, which otherwise is wasted on tedious administration. Now teachers can save more time, which can instead be spent on pupils' learning in the classroom, concludes Claudia Rademaker.

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Digital tests with automatic correction, measurable results and full integration with the school’s learning platform. Dugga is an easy-to-use, flexible and secure digital system for various types of tests, exams, assignments and national exams. Dugga is platform independent (PC, Mac, iPad Chromebook etc) and is suitable for all levels of education. For the student it is about learning. For teachers, it is about doing what they really want to do: to teach and help each individual to reach his/her full potential. Dugga ensures an objective evaluation with flexible tools for different needs. See also www.dugga.com


Claudia Rademaker

Claudia Rademaker

Presskontakt VP, CMO, Co-Founder +46 (0)8-30 70 80
Peter Wilcke

Peter Wilcke

Presskontakt CEO +46 (0)8 307080

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Dugga AB

Torsgatan 39
113 62 Stockholm

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