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The Magic Flute played at Drottningholms Slottsteater this summer

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The Magic Flute played at Drottningholms Slottsteater this summer

Drottningholms Slottsteater, near Stockholm, is hosting one of the highlights of the Baltic Sea Festival in August. Through a new partnership with the Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra, Mozart's The Magic Flute (Die Zauberflöte) will be presented in a fully staged performance at Drottningholm Slottsteater August 26 and 27.

This production of the Magic Flute was created by the orchestra's Music Director Daniel Harding and tenor Andrew Staples, and has previously been presented at the prestigious Lucerne festival in Switzerland.

“After ten successful years, the Baltic Sea Festival is – to say the least – alive and well; with this year’s festival we proudly present a range of new collaborations and world-class musical experiences,” says Michael Tydén, head of Berwaldhallen and co-founder of the Festival.

“It is a unique collaboration we have initiated,” says Sofi Lerström, CEO of Drottningholms Slottsteater. “It is the first time the since the mid 1960's that the Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra will play at the theatre along with outstanding Swedish and international artists. We hope this collaboration will be a pleasurable, enriching experience for both our own audience and Berwaldhallen’s, and that it will attract many new visitors both to the theatre and the Baltic Sea Festival.”

Music, environment, and leadership
Several seminars will be held during the week around the three mainstays of the festival: music, the environment, and leadership. A new collaboration has been initiated with the Raoul Wallenberg Academy, which devotes itself to young leadership; it will hold a seminar on the theme “One person can make a difference”. 

About the concert
Tenor Andrew Staples and the Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra's Musical Director Daniel Harding have together created this version of The Magic Flute.

Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra 
 • Conductor Daniel Harding

Tamino • Andrew Staples

Pamina • Kate Royal

Queen of the Night • Albina Shagimuratova

Papageno • Carl Ackerfeldt

Papagena • Mari Eriksmoen

Sarastro • Peter Rose

Dates and tickets
The Baltic Sea Festival 2013 takes place August 23 to 30. The Magic Flute is played 26 and 27 August. Both performances will begin at 19:30. Tickets are available online from March 15 through Berwaldhallen, the Berwaldhallen box office, Kulturhuset in Stockholm and on phone 08-784 18 00. See the entire program here www.balticseafestival.com

For more information please contact:
Charlotte Frykman, Press Contact Östersjöfestivalen, Berwaldhallen, Mobile: +46-70-405 86 76, E-mail: charlotte@keeper.se

Carin Balfe Arbman, Press Contact Drottningholms Slottsteater, Mobile: +46-70-633 35 08, E-mail: carin@balfe-arbman.com

For tickets fro reviewing press, please contact Charlotte Frykman, at Berwaldhallen. 

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Drottningholms Slottsteater / The Drottningholm Court Theatre is both a unique 1700s theater and a very lively stage, well rooted in the present. The theatre offers classical opera productions, introductions, seminars, live performances, concerts and events throughout the year. Learn more at www.dtm.se


Eva Lundgren

Eva Lundgren

Presskontakt Kommunikation och försäljning 08 556 931 07

Relaterat innehåll

Drottningholms Slottsteater är både en unik 1700-talsteater och en högst levande scen, väl förankrad i samtiden

Drottningholms Slottsteater uppfördes 1766 för drottning Lovisa Ulrika. Byggnaden gömmer en lekfull interiör. I salongen finns målade marmoreringar, konsoler i papier maché och pilastrar av gips. Scenen har ett genialt maskineri, helt i trä, som än idag drivs för hand. Gångspel, valsar, trummor, block, rep och motvikter får det stora maskineriet att arbeta. Det finns ett trettiotal scenbilder bevarade - en kulissvärld anpassad till 1700-talets repertoar.

Teaterns första glansperiod inleddes 1777 av Gustaf III. Med hjälp av skådespelare som Monvel, kompositörer som Naumann och Kraus, balettmästaren Gallodier och arkitekten Desprez skapade han en svensk teater- och operakonst på Drottningholm. Här spelades också Glucks senaste operor, fransk opéra comique och pantomimbaletter fram till Gustaf III:s död 1792. Därefter föll teaterbyggnaden i glömska.

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Drottningholms Slottsteater

Box 6
178 02 Drottningholm