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International trio creates Mozart triple at Drottningholm - Le nozze di Figaro opens 2 August

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International trio creates Mozart triple at Drottningholm - Le nozze di Figaro opens 2 August

Marc Minkowski, one of the leading conductors in the world, will be coming to Drottningholm this summer. He will also have with him the other two members of a French team that has already proved very successful, above all in its fine interpretations of the great works of the Baroque. It is nothing short of a small sensation that Drottningholms Slottsteater has been able to attract this leading trio of artists, thus placing the theatre well and truly on the international map in terms of opera.

During the next three seasons they will be setting up Mozart’s Da Ponte trilogy, the result of the young Mozart meeting, in 1783, Italian priest and poet Lorenzo Da Ponte in Vienna. Together they created their great masterpieces, Le nozze di Figaro (Vienna, 1786), Don Giovanni (Prague, 1787), and Così fan tutte (Vienna, 1790). The first of these to be performed at Drottningholm will be Le nozze di Figaro, the première being on 2nd August this year, followed in 2016 by Don Giovanni and in 2017 by Così fan tutte.

Ivan Alexandre, who has done a number of remarkable productions, among them Gluck’s Orfeo ed Euridice, which in 2014 was performed as a visiting production with great success at a number of European festivals, will be directing. Artist and scenographer, Antoine Fontaine, who works in the realm of opera, theatre and film, is the third member of the team. Among his films are Sofia Coppola’s “Marie Antoinette” and “Coco before Chanel”.

Minkowski is the founder of Les Musiciens du Louvre, an orchestra with many international tours to its name. Now he will be leading the Drottningholm Theatre Orchestra and will fill the auditorium with his own keen and sensitive interpretations of these much loved works during the next three years – a period to which we all, both orchestra and ensemble, look forward enormously.

-We will, as Ivan Alexandre comments, be telling the story of a character who is mysterious and well known, dangerous and amiable, loathsome and loveable. In our interpretation of the trilogy it is actually a matter of a single role figure who moves from play to play and binds together the whole: An incredible libertine, in his youth known as Cherubino, in adulthood Don Giovanni, and finally, in old age, Don Alfonso. We are going to create an intimate and improvised scene, exactly like the theatres set up for the fairs and market dayswhere Italian touring theatre troupes of the past appeared.

The part of Figaro will be played by the rising young Canadian star, Robert Gleadow. Susanna’s role will be taken by the Dutch singer, Lenneke Ruiten, who this season makes her debut at both the Metropolitan Opera and Theater an der Wien. Camilla Tilling, from Sweden, is heard in opera houses throughout the world and will now, at Drottningholm, play the Countess, whilst the French baritone, Florian Sempey, will be the Count. In the breeches role of Cherubino we shall hear the Norwegian mezzo-soprano, Ingeborg Gillebo, who in 2014 sang this part at the Metropolitan.

- Together with Marc Minkowski we will also be working further to enable this project to tour internationally, an idea which might well open many new avenues for the Drottningholm Theatre in the future. Artistic and Managing Director Sofi Lerström adds that there is even a wild idea of one day being able to play all three operas en suite – in a Mozart marathon!



Opera buffa in four acts by W A Mozart
Libretto: Lorenzo Da Ponte

Performances: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 August

Box office opens 11 March

Conductor: Marc Minkowski
Director: Ivan Alexandre
Costumes and design: Antoine Fontaine

Count Almaviva – Florian Sempey (FR)
The Countess – Camilla Tilling (SE)
Susanna – Lenneke Ruiten (NL)
Cherubino – Ingeborg Gillebo (NO)
Figaro – Robert Gleadow (CA)
Marcellina – Miriam Treichl (SE)
Bartolo/Antonio – Paolo Battaglia (IT)
Basilio/Don Curzio – Anders J Dahlin (SE)
Barbarina – Hanna Husáhr (SE)

The Drottningholm Theatre Orchestra

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Drottningholms Slottsteater, the Court Theatre at the World Heritage site Drottningholm, dates from 1766 and is a unique buildning. The theatre is the only 18th century theatre in the world with its original stage machinery still in use. We perform opera, and give family performances, concerts and guided tours., always with a touch of the 18th century. Drottningholms Slottsteater is a national institution with assignment and grant from the Swedish government.



Eva Lundgren

Eva Lundgren

Presskontakt Kommunikation och försäljning 08 556 931 07

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Drottningholms Slottsteater är både en unik 1700-talsteater och en högst levande scen, väl förankrad i samtiden

Drottningholms Slottsteater uppfördes 1766 för drottning Lovisa Ulrika. Byggnaden gömmer en lekfull interiör. I salongen finns målade marmoreringar, konsoler i papier maché och pilastrar av gips. Scenen har ett genialt maskineri, helt i trä, som än idag drivs för hand. Gångspel, valsar, trummor, block, rep och motvikter får det stora maskineriet att arbeta. Det finns ett trettiotal scenbilder bevarade - en kulissvärld anpassad till 1700-talets repertoar.

Teaterns första glansperiod inleddes 1777 av Gustaf III. Med hjälp av skådespelare som Monvel, kompositörer som Naumann och Kraus, balettmästaren Gallodier och arkitekten Desprez skapade han en svensk teater- och operakonst på Drottningholm. Här spelades också Glucks senaste operor, fransk opéra comique och pantomimbaletter fram till Gustaf III:s död 1792. Därefter föll teaterbyggnaden i glömska.

1921 klev litteraturhistorikern Agne Beijer in genom dörren och fann den unika teatern orörd sedan 1700-talets slut. Efter byte av rep i maskineriet, installation av elektriskt ljus och varsam rengöring öppnades teatern igen. Under 1920- och 30-talen gavs divertissement och changements à vue, scenbyten inför öppen ridå, för att visa upp den återigen glansfulla teatern.

Drottningholms Slottsteater

Box 6
178 02 Drottningholm