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Drottningholms Slottsteater opens season with free programme

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Drottningholms Slottsteater opens season with free programme

On 6 June, Drottningholms Slottsteater will be launching its new season with a free day-long programme that includes a dramatised tour with music and song, a short performance by Johan Rabaeus and Andreas T Olsson, and music from members of the Drottningholm Theatre Orchestra. Spread out your picnic blanket in the park and enjoy a day in the beauty of this World Heritage site.

The whole family is welcome to Drottningholm. There will be activity tables and face-painting for the youngest as well as pony and cart rides through the park. The theatre itself will be opening its doors with the dramatised tour The living theatre, brought to life by singers, musicians and actors in masks and costumes. A guide will show visitors round the historical theatre building, where theatre companies both worked and stayed in the 1700s.

Drottningholms Slottsteater is a unique, World Heritage-listed historical theatre. In the Déjeuner Salon, which was once King Gustav III’s breakfast hall, will be a teaser for The Deafness, a musical drama arranged in association with the Royal Dramatic Theatre. Johan Rabaeus as Beethoven and Andreas T Olsson as his nephew will be joined on stage by a string quartet led by Maria Lindal. Those who wish to hear more music need only remain in the salon, where there will be a short concert of baroque music afterwards.

This marks the official opening of a season that includes two major premieres:

On 3 August we present the premiere of Handel’s opera Ariodante, with international star Ann Hallenberg singing the lead role.

On 5 Septemberwe present the premiere of The Deafness, a play starring Johan Rabaeus and Anderas T Olsson, amongst others. In association with the Royal Dramatic Theatre.

There will also be daily guided and thematic tours.

Programme 6 June

11.00-16.00 Activity table and face painting (cost price). Pony and cart rides through the park.

11.30- 13.30 The living theatre – tour with newly installed artists.Free admission.

14.30- 15.00 Divertissement presenting The Deafness. With Johan Rabaeus and Andreas T Olsson accompanied by a string quartet led by Maria Lindal. Free admission.

15.15- 15.30 Music in the Déjeuner Salon. Free admission.


From 1.30 p.m. scheduled tours at the regular price.

With the kind support of Stiftelsen Infinity

For more information or to arrange interviews, please contact: Elin West, press officer at Drottningholms Slottsteater, 0733 50 26 25, elin.west@dtm.se


Drottningholms Slottsteater has remained intact since 1766 and is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site. It is the only theatre of its kind in the world that still uses original hand operated stage machinery.

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Eva Lundgren

Eva Lundgren

Presskontakt Kommunikation och försäljning 08 556 931 07

Relaterat innehåll

Drottningholms Slottsteater är både en unik 1700-talsteater och en högst levande scen, väl förankrad i samtiden

Drottningholms Slottsteater uppfördes 1766 för drottning Lovisa Ulrika. Byggnaden gömmer en lekfull interiör. I salongen finns målade marmoreringar, konsoler i papier maché och pilastrar av gips. Scenen har ett genialt maskineri, helt i trä, som än idag drivs för hand. Gångspel, valsar, trummor, block, rep och motvikter får det stora maskineriet att arbeta. Det finns ett trettiotal scenbilder bevarade - en kulissvärld anpassad till 1700-talets repertoar.

Teaterns första glansperiod inleddes 1777 av Gustaf III. Med hjälp av skådespelare som Monvel, kompositörer som Naumann och Kraus, balettmästaren Gallodier och arkitekten Desprez skapade han en svensk teater- och operakonst på Drottningholm. Här spelades också Glucks senaste operor, fransk opéra comique och pantomimbaletter fram till Gustaf III:s död 1792. Därefter föll teaterbyggnaden i glömska.

1921 klev litteraturhistorikern Agne Beijer in genom dörren och fann den unika teatern orörd sedan 1700-talets slut. Efter byte av rep i maskineriet, installation av elektriskt ljus och varsam rengöring öppnades teatern igen. Under 1920- och 30-talen gavs divertissement och changements à vue, scenbyten inför öppen ridå, för att visa upp den återigen glansfulla teatern.

Drottningholms Slottsteater

Box 6
178 02 Drottningholm