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World-renowned mezzo-soprano Ann Hallenberg in concert directed by David Stern at Drottningholms Slottsteater

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World-renowned mezzo-soprano Ann Hallenberg in concert directed by David Stern at Drottningholms Slottsteater

Published April 25, 2014

STOCKHOLM/DROTTNINGHOLM (April 25, 2014) -- The world-renowned mezzo-soprano Ann Hallenberg presents a full evening concert at Drottningholms Slottsteater on August 15, 2014, along with the Drottningholm Theatre Orchestra under the direction of the theater's Artist in Residence Director David Stern. Stern has along with Hallenberg selected the beautiful and dramatic pieces by Mozart and Haydn in the program. 

Ann Hallenberg has long been an internationally active and acclaimed artist. She regularly visits concert halls and opera festivals throughout Europe and North America and has also made ​​a series of CD and DVD recordings. Her album "Hidden Handel" won the award for the best opera concert in the International Opera Awards 2014.

"Ann Hallenberg is one of opera's most profound artists. Not only does she possess a beautiful instrument, but she infuses her roles with a vocal flexibility and a linguistic panache that reminds us why opera is in truth music drama. She defines vocal excitement," says David Stern.

The Concert with Ann Hallenberg, is held August 15th at 07:30 PM. Ticket sales will start on April 25 via www.ticnet.se and phone +46-77-170 70 70.

An hour before the concert conductor David Stern, Drottningholms Slottsteater's Artist in Residence in 2014, gives a pre concert talk on the program and his work with soloist and orchestra, starting at 06.30 PM in the Déjeuner Salon. The concert is part of the the theatre's Esprit! program created to embrace new formats, collaborations and surprising events targeted to a wider and younger audience.

Ann Hallenberg, born in Västerås in Sweden in 1967, was educated at the University College of Opera in Stockholm and London. She performs regularly in opera houses around the world such as the Teatro alla Scala in Milan, Teatro Real Madrid, Theater an der Wien, the Opéra National Paris, Bayerische Staatsoper Munich. Her repertoire includes leading roles in works by Rossini, Mozart, Gluck, Handel, Monteverdi, Purcell, Vivaldi and Massenet, with emphasis on early music. Ann Hallenberg has worked with conductors like Fabio Biondi, William Christie, Emmanuelle Haïm, Daniel Harding, Marc Minkowski, Riccardo Muti, Kent Nagano and Christophe Rousset, among others. 


Sofi Lerström, Managing Director, Drottningholms Slottsteater, phone 46-76-77 33 331, sofi.lerstrom@dtm.se

Carin Balfe Arbman, Press Officer, Drottningholms Slottsteater, phone +46-70-633 35 08, carin@balfe-arbman.com

For more info about the theater - history, current productions, artists and much more - please go to www.dtm.se

Drottningholm Palace Theatre just outside Stockholm is both a unique 1700s theatre and a very active stage, well rooted in the present. The Theater offers performances, guided tours and events year-round. Artist in Residence for 2014 is Conductor David Stern. This Summer's program include Mozart's Mitridate and Idomeneo along with concerts with Swedish and International opera stars. We also open the Déjeuner Salon Bar, with light refreshments, 1.5 hour before each performance. Please find more information at www.dtm.se

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Eva Lundgren

Eva Lundgren

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Drottningholms Slottsteater

Box 6
178 02 Drottningholm