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Trude Ravndal, Marketing and Communication Manager, Gasum
Trude Ravndal, Marketing and Communication Manager, Gasum

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Gasum - DSM2022 Silver Sponsor

Interview with Trude Ravndal, Marketing and Communication Manager Gasum

Gasum supports DSM2022 as Silver Sponsor. What contributed to make this decision?
We think the event is coherent with our mission of a cleaner tomorrow. From previous DSM (Donsö Shipping Meet) events we experience the recognition of the shipping business’ concerns, particularly within areas where we can make a difference. To be more specific, decarbonization of shipping is often discussed and this is in the core of our business. At one single venue we can efficiently meet and have a dialogue with our customers and important stakeholders. Consequently, it is easy for us to support DSM2022.

What are your expectations for DSM2022?
I have higher expectations than ever before. Due to Covid19 pandemic we have not been physically outside of our “own garden” for two years. The possibility to meet the shipping industry, face to face, away from digital platforms is much appreciated.

I expect to see many smiling faces and that the bar is low for establishing new relationships during these couple of days. DSM is a good venue for sharing the latest news and ideas evolved during the two years of home offices and closed boarders. Who knows, someone might have been inspired to find additional routes towards decarbonization of shipping?

What is your best memory from DSM19?
My best memory is the positive, welcoming atmosphere and the professionalism of the organizer. It starts already onboarding the public vessel to the island. Due to the atmosphere, I believe all persons involved are contributing the best they can to make the event successful. This attitude even spreads to the participants in the way that they engage with each other to make it an event worth attending for all parties.

Why is DSM important to your business?
We need to stay close to the shipping industry. This includes for instance shipowners, charterers, and logistic buyers. At DSM we can meet with the persons representing our important stakeholders. If we do not have a dialogue with them, we cannot answer their concerns or support them in their emission objectives. Developing and offering products and services affecting our customers’ business in a positive manner - is what builds our own business. At DSM it is about listening and establishing a dialogue environment aimed at finding mutual business benefits.

What do you find are the key issues facing the future of Shipping?
In our line of business, we emphasize that solutions for decarbonization of shipping exist already today. It seems, however, that actors in the shipping industry still are reluctant to take the latest and available solutions into use. I can only talk from an energy and fuel point of view; however, I am curious if other environmentally friendly technologies are experiencing the same.

Based on this I think one of the key issues is how to work together across the shipping industry to create security. A security that a shipowners’ choice of vessel today is recognized by customers, stakeholders, and the public for the vessel’s entire lifetime.

Greener maritime solutions and technical innovations are coming. We might not have the perfect solutions today, however, together we will get there. Cooperation and recognition across the shipping industry will be one of the key issues to reach the cleaner tomorrow.

And finally, how would you describe DSM in one sentence?
A great shipping venue with several opportunities to meet and greet with your peers in shipping.

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Ann-Sofie Ankarcrona

Ann-Sofie Ankarcrona

Press contact Project and marketing manager +46 768 94 69 58

A meeting place for the maritime cluster. DSM2025, September 1-3, 2025.

​Donsö Shipping Meet started in 2009 and take place every other year on the island of Donsö, in the southern part of the archipelago of Gothenburg, Sweden. Delegates from all over the world gather on the island eager to discuss shipping and shipping-related topics. A meeting place for the maritime cluster, Donsö Shipping Meet is a lively, friendly event that provides a range of opportunities for making new connections.

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