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Mathias Wikström

Mathias Wikström

Presskontakt Grundare och VD +46 708 15 32 03

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Doconomy and Crédit Agricole Payment Services  join forces to test carbon footprint measurements of credit card purchases

Doconomy and Crédit Agricole Payment Services join forces to test carbon footprint measurements of credit card purchases

Doconomy and Crédit Agricole Payment Services (CAPS) have entered into a collaboration which aims to enable climate action at every payment. With a strong commitment to the Crédit Agricole Group's CSR approach, CAPS has approached Doconomy to work on a solution to provide customers, via a dedicated application, with an estimate of the carbon footprint of every purchase made. functionality conn

Doconomy promotes climate literacy by displaying the US’ CO₂e emissions  in Times Square for Climate Week

Doconomy promotes climate literacy by displaying the US’ CO₂e emissions in Times Square for Climate Week

Doconomy announces a major program of events at Climate Week NYC 2022, taking place between September 19th-25th. Along with the panel discussion event Arrivals Day: NYC Edition, Doconomy will launch ‘The 2030 Forecast’ in Times Square in Manhattan – a first of its kind climate literacy project that will give the public an estimate of weekly carbon emissions generated in the US, with minimal delay.

Doconomy is the leading provider of innovative tools that enable efficient environmental impact reduction for individuals and businesses

Doconomy, founded in Sweden in 2018, is a world-leading provider of digital services for everyday climate action. Doconomy wants to future-proof life on planet earth by empowering individuals and corporations to take responsibility for their environmental footprint. We firmly believe that the climate crisis can only be solved as a collective. Doconomy is also a partner of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Mastercard, S&P Trucost, the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), Mitsui, and Parley for the Oceans.


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114 26 Stockholm