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Tyska Posten har startat samarbete med UNICEF

Tyska Posten och UNICEF har ingått avtal om ett globalt samarbete, vars mål är att få ner barndödligheten i världen. Deutsche Post World Net ska huvudsakligen bistå med hjälp när det gäller logistik. Förutom hjälp med logistik kommer koncernen även att bistå med finansiellt stöd. Bolagets medarbetare kommer också att hjälpa till på olika sätt för att göra detta samarbete framgångsrikt. Som ett första steg kommer samarbetet fokusera på flera projekt i Kenya, där barndödligheten ökat under senare år. Bifogar ett pressmaterial på engelska. Cornilla von Plomgren Head of Communications, Sweden DHL Express (Sweden) AB Björnstigen 85 SE-170 87 Stockholm Sweden Phone + 46 8 543 45 206 Mobile + 46 70 632 32 80 E-mail cornilla.vonplomgren@dhl.com www.dhl.com Deutsche Post World Net and UNICEF engage in a strategic partnership to reduce child mortality Deutsche Post World Net and UNICEF have launched a global partnership under the motto “We deliver help.” The goal of the initiative is to reduce child mortality around the world. This global cooperation was announced today by Deutsche Post World Net and UNICEF at a joint press conference in Berlin. “By providing our logistics know-how, our Group can make a significant contribution to improving children’s lives in disadvantaged regions around the world. A partnership with UNICEF offers an ideal platform for us to contribute to this critical goal,” explained Dr. Klaus Zumwinkel, Chairman of the Board of Management at Deutsche Post World Net. “Every day in communities around the world, 30,000 girls and boys under the age of five die mostly of diseases that could be prevented or treated,” said UNICEF patron, Eva Luise Köhler. “Through the UN Millennium Goals the international community has committed itself to reducing child mortality by two-thirds by the year 2015. I am very pleased that Deutsche Post World Net is helping UNICEF to achieve this key objective.” Together with UNICEF, Deutsche Post World Net will focus on improving medical care in regions where child mortality is high. To this end, the Group will provide its core competencies as an in-kind donation to UNICEF and also contribute additional financial support for example for projects against malaria. UNICEF’s existing logistics processes will be analyzed and, if necessary, improved – for example, the storage and distribution of temperature-sensitive vaccines. The Group’s 500,000 employees will also be called on to contribute to the long-term success of this partnership: They will have the opportunity to provide support through individual donations and fundraising activities or by serving as volunteers at selected UNICEF projects. As a first step, the initiative will focus on projects in Kenya where child mortality has increased significantly over the past few years. Every eighth child there dies before its fifth birthday. DHL will support UNICEF in one of the region’s largest health campaigns which is targeting measles, malaria and other infectious diseases. The express and logistics specialist will draw on its expertise and infrastructure to help distribute approximately 3.5 million mosquito nets to children around the country who are at risk of contracting malaria. A number of additional long-term measures are also planned: In the Kwale region in southern Kenya, where child mortality is particularly high, the Group and its employees will help improve primary health care and provide families with basic healthcare information. The cooperation with UNICEF is another module of Deutsche Post World Net’s long-term, strategic partnership with the United Nations, which was launched in December 2005 in the area of disaster management. Contact for media Deutsche Post World Net Claus Korfmacher tel: +49 (0)228 182 9944 Email: pressestelle@deutschepost.de About DHL DHL is the global market leader of the international express and logistics industry, specializing in providing innovative and customized solutions from a single source. DHL offers expertise in express, air and ocean freight, overland transport, contract logistic solutions as well as international mail services, combined with worldwide coverage and an in-depth understanding of local markets. DHL's international network links more than 220 countries and territories worldwide. 285,000 employees are dedicated to providing fast and reliable services that exceed customers' expectations. DHL is a Deutsche Post World Net brand. The group generated revenues of 45bn euros in 2005. Visit http://www.dpwn.com or http://www.dhl.com for further information. UNICEF, the United Nations Children’s Fund, supports children in developing countries and areas of conflict. UNICEF makes sure children can attend school, receive medical care, clean drinking water as well as adequate nutrition. UNICEF is active around the world to protect children from violence, exploitation and abuse. By introducing aid programs in about 160 countries, UNICEF has made a significant impact reducing the global infant mortality rate in the past 30 years by more than a half. UNICEF conducts vaccination campaigns, sets up healthcare services and uses simple measures such as distributing mosquito nets to combat the spread of malaria. In the mid 1950s, the global infant mortality rate for children under five years was 21 percent, in 2004 it was still 7.9 percent.



Pär Pihlqvist

Presskontakt Communication Lead DHL Freight +46 (0)70 957 90 84

Anna Swahn

Presskontakt Head of Marketing and Communications DHL Freight +46 (0)70 957 92 22

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Presskontakt Marketing & Communication Manager DHL Supply Chain +46 73 468 67 57

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Presskontakt VD DHL Global Forwarding 08-519 339 51

Ann-Kristine Johansson

Presskontakt Head of Communications DHL Express 0709-345 684

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