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DHL and Bridgestone's world class facility to put Sweden in the driving seat

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DHL and Bridgestone's world class facility to put Sweden in the driving seat

Bridgestone’s ongoing pledge to lead the way in innovation and quality has been underlined in Sweden, after plans to transform its Jönköping warehouse into a ‘world class facility’ were announced. A three-year agreement for warehousing and freight has been agreed with DHL for the New Year, which will position Bridgestone as industry leaders in its tire warehouse and transportation offering.

From January 1 Bridgestone will be able to track and trace customer orders through ‘virtual real time’ service software allowing them to know exactly where tires are at any given time. In addition, logistics partner DHL will implement new best in class Warehouse Management Software leading to provide improved stock rotation, superior control over product age and more efficient use of warehouse space.

David Clarke, north region logistics and supply chain manager, said that all of Bridgestone’s product ranges – except for off-road – would be housed in the Jönköping warehouse.

He said: “In partnership with DHL we will achieve a world class supply chain which will transform the way in which we have previously been operating”.

“DHL is introducing new software which will aid better product age control and use of space”.

“We will benefit by working more efficiently and we are expecting to make cost savings without loss in customer service”.

“It is great to trust all our tyre storage and delivery to DHL including Bridgestone’s huge Off Road Tyres and know all our customers will benefit from the strong well managed relationship we have with them”.

In further good news, a key operative who worked for many years with the previous service provider is joining the team at the new Gothenburg warehouse. David Clarke and the Swedish team are delighted, as his knowledge of Bridgestone’s Off Road products and customers is invaluable and ensures good service in this specialist sector.



DHL – Logistikbolaget för hela världen

DHL är marknadsledande inom logistikbranschen och är ”logistikbolaget för hela världen”. DHL erbjuder expertis inom internationell express-, flyg- och sjöfrakt, väg- och tågtransport, kontraktslogistik samt internationella brevtjänster. Med ett globalt nätverk som består av mer än 220 länder och territorier och med 285 000 medarbetare över hela världen erbjuds kunder högsta kvalitet kombinerat med god lokal kännedom. Allt för att på bästa sätt kunna tillgodose kundens behov av tjänster som täcker hela varuflödeskedjan. DHL tar sitt sociala ansvar genom att löpande arbeta med åtgärder för att minska klimatpåverkan och genom att bidra med katastrofhantering samt utbildning.

DHL ingår i Deutsche Post DHL. 2012 hade koncernen en omsättning på 55 miljarder euro.


Pär Pihlqvist

Presskontakt Communication Lead DHL Freight +46 (0)70 957 90 84

Anna Swahn

Presskontakt Head of Marketing and Communications DHL Freight +46 (0)70 957 92 22

Vincent Beck

Presskontakt Marketing & Communication Manager DHL Supply Chain +46 73 468 67 57

Ulf Nilsson

Presskontakt VD DHL Global Forwarding 08-519 339 51

Ann-Kristine Johansson

Presskontakt Head of Communications DHL Express 0709-345 684

DHL – Logistikföretaget för hela världen

DHL är det världsledande varumärket inom logistikbranschen. Våra DHL-divisioner erbjuder en oöverträffad portfölj av logistiktjänster som sträcker sig från nationella och internationella paketleveranser, leveranslösningar specifika för e-handel, internationella expressleveranser och väg-, flyg- och sjötransporter till industriella logistiklösningar för hela varuflödeskedjan.


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170 07 Stockholm