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Deutsche Post World Net gör ett kanonresultat för årets 9 första månader

Deutsche Post World Nets rörelseresultat ökade med 19.9% under årets första nio månader jämfört med samma period förra året. Omsättningen ökade något, med 2.5%. Koncernen har haft en god tillväxt och trenden kommer att hålla i sig under resterande delen av 2005. När förvärvet av Exel är klart kommer Deutsche Post World Net att vara det ledande logistikbolaget i världen. Cornilla von Plomgren Head of Communications, Sweden DHL Express (Sweden) AB Björnstigen 85 SE-170 87 Stockholm Sweden Phone + 46 8 543 45 206 Mobile + 46 70 632 32 80 E-mail cornilla.vonplomgren@dhl.com www.dhl.com Deutsche Post AG Headquarters Media Relations Address Charles-de-Gaulle-Str. 20 53113 Bonn, Germany Ph. +49 228 182-99 88 Fax + 49 228 182-98 80 E-Mail: pressestelle@deutschepost.de Internet: www.deutschepost.de press release 1 Deutsche Post World Net lifts net income by 51 percent • Chairman Zumwinkel: successful expansion in Germany and abroad • Full-year earnings forecast confirmed • 9-month revenue up 2.5 percent to 32.5 billion euros • LOGISTICS records earnings surge in third quarter Bonn, November 10, 2005: Deutsche Post World Net increased its profit from operating activities (EBIT) by 19.9 percent to around 2.4 billion euros in the first nine months. Revenue rose slightly by 2.5 percent to 32.5 billion euros compared with the first nine months of the previous year. Consolidated net income grew by 51 percent to around 1.3 billion euros, after 890 million euros in the previous year. Earnings per share increased accordingly from 0.80 to 1.20 euros. Third quarter consolidated net income more than doubled year-on-year, from 169 million to 405 million euros. “We have consistently and successfully continued our global strategy and after completing the acquisition of Exel we will be the leading logistics provider worldwide,” said Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer Klaus Zumwinkel. In the first nine months, the company generated half its revenue outside Germany. Within Germany, the Group also made great progress. “With the acquisition of BHW, Postbank will be the clear number one in retail banking,” said Zumwinkel. "Our operating business has recorded encouraging overall growth, and we are confident that this trend will continue during the remaining months of this year," said Chief Financial Officer Edgar Ernst. He confirmed the full-year forecast for profit from operating activities (EBIT) of at least 3.6 billion euros. Measures implemented under the STAR value creation program contributed 163 million euros to earnings in the third quarter. This is the highest quarterly contribution since the start of the program three years ago. Overall, the program, which is due to expire at the end of the year, has generated an accumulated figure of almost 1.3 billion euros. This should rise to at least 1.4 billion euros at the end of the year. MAIL Corporate Division The MAIL division increased its revenue slightly in the first nine months to around 9.4 billion euros. The expected decline in national revenue was more than offset by strong growth in the international mail business. In the first nine months of 2005, revenue in the international mail business rose by 17 percent to around 1.5 billion euros. This corresponds to 16 percent of the division's total revenue. EBIT in the MAIL division, at 1.5 billion euros in the period under review, was on a par with the high level of the previous year. The ongoing weakness of the domestic German economy as expected held back the German mail business. Mail volumes fell by 3.8 percent in the first nine months. Conversely, the trend in the Direct Marketing business is increasingly positive: volumes rose by 2.9 percent in the third quarter. In the first nine months of 2005, the increase was 0.9 percent. EXPRESS Corporate Division In the first nine months, revenue in the EXPRESS division rose by 3.2 percent to 13.3 billion euros. EBIT amounted to 249 million euros. The positive trend for the Americas region is persisting with an increase in revenue of 4.3 percent. The EXPRESS subsidiary DHL perceptibly increased its service quality in the USA this year. The company is now working intensively to improve its product offerings and cost structures. EBIT for the Americas region amounted to -264 million euros in the first nine months, following -436 million euros for the prior-year period. LOGISTICS Corporate Division LOGISTICS (air and ocean freight and contract logistics) continued its positive development in the first nine months. Revenue increased by 15.6 percent to around 5.7 billion euros; in the third quarter alone the revenue growth amounted to 22.7 percent. Strong organic growth at both DHL Danzas Air & Ocean and DHL Solutions contributed to this increase. The company increased transport volumes and freight rates for both air and ocean freight. Revenue from contract logistics in the third quarter rose by 30.6 percent because of additional business with both new and existing customers. Operating profit in the LOGISTICS division as a whole increased significantly by 79.7 percent in the first nine months, from 123 million to 221 million euros. Return on sales climbed from 2.5 percent in the previous year to the current level of 3.9 percent. FINANCIAL SERVICES Corporate Division The FINANCIAL SERVICES division includes Postbank, the Pension Service and the retail outlets. Postbank presented its results separately on November 9. The division generated income of around 5.4 billion euros in the first nine months, a decline of 2.2 percent. This was due to persistently low interest rates. EBIT rose by 16.4 percent to 581 million euros. Outlook The company is reiterating its expectation of achieving operating profit for full-year 2005 of at least 3.6 billion euros. Consolidated net profit for 2005 should exceed the previous year's figure of around 1.6 billion euros by at least 500 million euros. Deutsche Post World Net therefore intends to increase its dividend for 2005 by at least one third. Due to certain legal restrictions pertaining to its offer for the British logistics group Exel plc, the Group can only make limited forward-looking statements at the present time. Therefore, contrary to its normal practice, it is not publishing any segment-related forecasts today. Please note: The full quarterly report is available at www.dpwn.de. An interview with CFO Edgar Ernst (transcription and audio) is available from 8 a.m. at www.deutschepost.de/presse. Contact details: Deutsche Post World Net Media Relations Manfred Harnischfeger Martin Dopychai Silje Skogstad Tel. + 49 228-182-9944 E-mail pressestelle@deutschepost.de Deutsche Post AG Deutsche Post World Net is the world’s leading logistics group. Its integrated Deutsche Post, DHL and Postbank companies offer tailored, customer-focused solutions for the management and transport of goods, information and payments through a global network combined with local expertise. Deutsche Post World Net is also the leading provider of Dialog Marketing services, with a unique portfolio of efficient outsourcing and system solutions for the mail business. Some 380,000 employees in more than 220 countries and territories worldwide generated revenue of €43 bn ($58 billion) in 2004. Subject to corrections. Changes may be made at short notice. This document contains forward-looking statements that relate to the business, financial performance and results of operations of Deutsche Post AG. Forward-looking statements are not historical facts, and may be identified by words such as "believes", "expects", "predicts", "intends", "projects", "plans", "estimates", "aims", "foresees", "anticipates", "targets", and similar expressions. As these statements are based on current plans, estimates and projections, they are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to be materially different from the future development, performance or results expressly or implicitly assumed in the forward-looking statements. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which apply only as of the date of this presentation. Deutsche Post AG does not intend or assume any obligation to update these forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date of this interim report. press release First nine months 2005 financial highlights in million of euros 9M 2004 9M 2005 PercentageChange Revenue 31,714 32,512 2.5% - thereof international revenue 15,125 16,182 7.0% Profit from operating activities 1) 1,978 2,372 19.9% Net income 890 1,344 51.0% Earnings per share (in euro) 0.80 1.20 STAR contribution to EBIT 296 424 43.2% 1) Starting in 2005, goodwill amortization is no longer recognized. It amounted to €279 million in 9M 2004. Divisional revenues, first nine months 2005 in million euros 9M2004 Percent of total 9M2005 Percent of total Percentage change MAIL 9,407 28.7% 9,425 27.9% 0.2% EXPRESS 2 12,920 39.5% 13,334 39.4% 3.2% LOGISTICS 4,923 15.0% 5,693 16.8% 15.6% FINANCIAL SERVICES 5,490 16.8% 5,368 15.9% -2.2% Others/Consolidation 2 -1,026 -1,308 Group Revenue 31,714 32,512 2.5% Divisional earnings (EBIT), first nine months 2005 in million euros 9M2004 Percent of total 9M2005 Percent of total Percentage change MAIL 1,531 72.5% 1,501 58.8% -2.0% EXPRESS 2 -42 -2.0% 249 9.8% n.a. LOGISTICS 123 5.8% 221 8.7% 79.7% FINANCIAL SERVICES 499 23.6% 581 22.8% 16.4% Others/Consolidation 2 -133 -180 Group EBIT 1,978 2,372 19.9% 2) Prior-period amounts restated due to the retrospective reclassification of cross-segment service functions (IT-Services, aviation and hubs) to Other/Consolidation as of January 1, 2005. press release Third-quarter 2005 financial highlights in million of euros Q3 2004 Q3 2005 PercentageChange Revenue 10,648 11,028 3.6% - thereof international revenue 5,239 5,567 6.3% Profit from operating activities 1) 484 720 48.8% Net income 169 405 139.6% Earnings per share (in euro) 0.15 0.36 STAR contribution to EBIT 118 163 38.1% 1) Starting in 2005, goodwill amortization is no longer recognized. It amounted to €91 million in Q3 2004 Divisional revenues, third quarter 2005 in million euros Q32004 Percent of total Q32005 Percent of total Percentage change MAIL 3,117 28.4% 3,074 26.5% -1.4% EXPRESS 2 4,283 39.0% 4,542 39.2% 6.0% LOGISTICS 1,739 15.8% 2,133 18.4% 22.7% FINANCIAL SERVICES 1,843 16.8% 1,831 15.8% -0.7% Others/Consolidation 2 -334 -552 Group Revenue 10,648 11,028 3.6% Divisional earnings (EBIT), third quarter 2005 in million euros Q32004 Percent of total Q32005 Percent of total Percentage change MAIL 369 67.8% 399 50.8% 8.1% EXPRESS 2 -52 -9.6% 86 10.9% n.a. LOGISTICS 57 10.5% 99 12.6% 73.7% FINANCIAL SERVICES 170 31.3% 202 25.7% 18.8% Others/Consolidation 2 -60 -66 Group EBIT 484 720 48.8% 2) Prior-period amounts restated due to the retrospective reclassification of cross-segment service functions (IT-Services, aviation and hubs) to Other/Consolidation as of January 1, 2005.



Pär Pihlqvist

Presskontakt Communication Lead DHL Freight +46 (0)70 957 90 84

Anna Swahn

Presskontakt Head of Marketing and Communications DHL Freight +46 (0)70 957 92 22

Vincent Beck

Presskontakt Marketing & Communication Manager DHL Supply Chain +46 73 468 67 57

Ulf Nilsson

Presskontakt VD DHL Global Forwarding 08-519 339 51

Ann-Kristine Johansson

Presskontakt Head of Communications DHL Express 0709-345 684

DHL – Logistikföretaget för hela världen

DHL är det världsledande varumärket inom logistikbranschen. Våra DHL-divisioner erbjuder en oöverträffad portfölj av logistiktjänster som sträcker sig från nationella och internationella paketleveranser, leveranslösningar specifika för e-handel, internationella expressleveranser och väg-, flyg- och sjötransporter till industriella logistiklösningar för hela varuflödeskedjan.


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