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Cuviva named a Cool Vendor in Gartner ́s April 2020 Cool Vendors in Healthcare Technology

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Cuviva named a Cool Vendor in Gartner ́s April 2020 Cool Vendors in Healthcare Technology

Cuviva has been named a Cool Vendor in the Cool Vendors in Healthcare Technology1 report by Gartner Inc., the world’s leading research and advisory company. Cuviva is the only European-based company to be recognised in the report.

“We are thrilled and honoured to be recognised by Gartner Inc. To us, this recognition is very powerful. In our opinion, this recognition confirms that our beliefs are spot on - that a digital healthcare ecosystem based on a person centered logic can significantly improve the situation for patients in greatest need, such as multimorbidity and fragile elderly - where they are – at home”, says Henrik Cederqvist, co-founder and CEO of Cuviva.

“In the current Covid-19-crisis, it is even more obvious that, in line with Cuviva’s focus on patients in most need, multimorbidity and fragile elderly, also healthcare providers in their digitalisation efforts substantially will upshift focus on such patient groups”, Henrik Cederqvist continues.

With Cuviva, the individual can move from daily or weekly scheduled healthcare visits, and far too often, admitted for emergency care- to being able to stay in medical balance in their own home. In many cases for the individual, this means shifting from digital alienation to full inclusion via a dedicated digital healthcare channel. And as a consequence, a sense of being in charge of your own life.

Through an integrated platform, patients can be constantly connected to all stakeholders involved in their well-being, i.e. all relevant care and healthcare professionals as well as relatives and family. With real-time communications and sensor-based, high quality data and information, the healthcare professionals can focus on providing the best quality of care, with continuous resources, in a more present way with less stress. Already today, Cuviva’s solution is used in many healthcare regions, municipalities and private healthcare providers.

This will empower the driving force of making real difference and increase the attractiveness for the profession. Person centered healthcare delivery bridges the gap between regional and municipal healthcare providers and significantly reducing costs for the payers, whilst enabling the comfort, safety and overall human experience for the patient and their relatives and family.

When budgets are stressed and higher demands on quality delivered is urged for – the need arises for innovations driving efficiency at a rapid pace. Cuviva is not only addressing such, but with the individual focused perspective, humanity, belonging and values of societal trust are components of the outcome. We believe being named a Cool Vendor means being further recognised by present and future customers, investors and partners. Together with which, and on a larger scale, Cuviva will be able to provide accessible, equal, and future healthcare, today, where it matters the most and creates the best value.

According to Gartner, “Gartner’s definition of a Cool Vendor is a small company offering a technology or service that is *2:

Innovative – enables users to do things they couldnʼt do before
Impactful – has or will have business impact - not just technology for its own sake
Intriguing– has caught Gartnerʼs interest during the past six months”2

Cuvivas founders:

Henrik Cederqvist CEO and Fredrik Koffner CCO.

For further information, please contact: 

Henrik Cederqvist
CEO and Co-founder
+46 708 24 33 87

Fredrik Koffner
CCO and Co-founder
+46 707 29 08 33

About the report: Cool Vendors in Healthcare Technology, by Gartner.

“Healthcare delivery organisations are looking to control cost and respond to industry disruption. The profiled emerging technology and service providers help HDOs make data-driven decisions by leveraging chronic condition management, social determinants of health, virtual care and genetic screening.”

Gartner subscribers can view the report here: https://www.gartner.com/en/documents/3984301

1Gartner, “Cool Vendors in Healthcare Technology,” Anurag Gupta, Lisa Unden-Farboud, Seth Feder, 28 April 2020.

2Gartner ”Cool Vendors — Action, Not Just Reaction, Is Key to Coolness: A Gartner Trend Insight Report,” Daryl Plummer, et al, 30 May 2019

Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product or service depicted in its research publications, and does not advise technology users to select only those vendors with the highest ratings or other designation. Gartner research publications consist of the opinions of Gartner’s research organization and should not be construed as statements of fact. Gartner disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to this research, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

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About Cuviva:
Cuviva is destined to redefine and deliver the future of safe and connected healthcare.
With growing populations, increased age and more people living at home with chronic diseases, digitalization of distributed healthcare presents an opportunity. Our vision is to lead the way to the future of connected healthcare, enabling substantial cost savings and increased quality of life for the individual. 



Henrik Cederqvist

Henrik Cederqvist

Presskontakt CEO & Co-Founder +46 708 24 33 87
Fredrik Koffner

Fredrik Koffner

Presskontakt CCO & Co-founder +46 707 29 08 33

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Välkommen till Cuviva AB!

​Cuviva är ett värderingsdrivet innovationsbolag inom e-hälsa som utvecklar digitala ekosystem för vård och omsorg. Företaget har särskilt fokus på den patientgrupp som står för hälften av samhällets vårdkostnader; sköra äldre med kroniska sjukdomstillstånd, i åldrar från 65 år och uppåt.

Vår vision är att bidra till demokratisk digitalisering för jämlik vård och omsorg.

Cuviva AB

Kungsgatan 18
SE- 411 19 Göteborg