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Dr Vuokko Nummi at Helsinki University Hospital receives the CSL Behring Nordic von Willebrand Scholarship

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Dr Vuokko Nummi at Helsinki University Hospital receives the CSL Behring Nordic von Willebrand Scholarship

Von Willebrand disease (VWD) is the most common bleeding disorder.1 Although it is a rare disease, there is great need for research and improved treatment options for patients. The CSL Behring Nordic von Willebrand Scholarship is awarded every two years. Dr Vuokko Nummi receives the 2020 scholarship for research on characterization of microcirculation and associations to angiodysplasia in von Willebrand disease.

”The purpose of the Nordic von Willebrand Scholarship is to promote research and development within the field of von Willebrand Disease (VWD) and related primary hemostatic disorders in the Nordic Region. The winner of the scholarship is announced at the annual Nordic Coagulation Meeting”, says Fredrik Sjöö, Head of Medical Affairs, CSL Behring Nordic Region.

Vuokko Nummi, M.D., PhD and researcher at the Coagulation Disorder Unit at Helsinki University Hospital receives the 2020 scholarship for research on "Characterization of microcirculation and associations to angiodysplasia in von Willebrand disease". Listen to Dr. Vuokko Nummi's presentation about von Willebrand Disease and her planned research here.

About von Willebrand Disease

Von Willebrand disease (VWD) is the most common bleeding disorder and affects 1% of the world’s population. VWD is typically an inherited disease and caused by deficient or defective von Willebrand Factor (VWF).1

It occurs in both men and women and is diagnosed by measuring the level and activity of VWF and factor VIII. VWD occurs when von Willebrand factor (VWF), a protein that helps form blood clots to stop bleeding, is missing or doesn’t work the way it should. Main symptoms of VWD are easy bruising, frequent or prolonged nose bleeds, bleeding from gums, as well as prolonged bleeding after injury, surgery, dental work or childbirth.1

There are three main types of von Willebrand disease. Type 1 is most common and the mildest, and type 3 the rarest and most severe form. Type 3 is usually inherited in an autosomal recessive manner in which the child receives defective gene from both parents. People with type 3 condition have very little or no VWF and experience spontaneous bleeding episodes often into joints and muscles.1 For patients with this severe form of the disease, proper treatment is crucial in order to avoid bleeding and damaged joints.

Women with VWD have heavy or prolonged menstrual bleeding.1 Although women are more likely to come to medical attention because of gynecologic and obstetric bleeding2 there are still many women who do not know that they have VWD. As a result, they suffer unnecessarily from major menstrual bleeding and receive late diagnosis.

CSL Behring Nordic von Willebrand Scholarship

The Nordic von Willebrand Scholarship was established in 2004 in order to support Nordic research and development within the field of von Willebrand Disease and related primary hemostatic disorders. The scholarship is awarded every two years. It may be awarded to projects within basic research or clinical research, or other forms of development in the care of patients with von Willebrand disease. Applications are reviewed by a scientific committee consisting of members of the Nordic von Willebrand Group and a CSL Behring AB representative.

Previous scholarship winners

  • Dr Nanna Brøns, Copenhagen University hospital, Denmark (2018)
    "Impaired collagen as a novel cause of rare inherited bleeding disorders"
  • Dr Iva Pruner, Karolinska University Hospital, Sweden (2018)
    "In vitro assessment of secondary hemostasis in patients with von Willebrand disease- fibrin clot architecture and protein composition as novel physiological biomarkers"

Apply for CSL Behring Nordic von Willebrand Scholarship 2022

Do you work in the Nordic countries? Are you involved in basic or clinical research or other forms of development in the care of patients with von Willebrand disease? We want to hear about your discoveries or ideas.

The cycle for the CSL Behring Nordic von Willebrand Scholarship 2022 starts in November 2021 and the deadline for submission of applications is 1st June 2022. The scholarship awards 240 000 SEK to 1–3 applicants from the Nordic region. Please find application form here.

CSL Behring

CSL Behring is a global biotherapeutics leader driven by our promise to save lives. Focused on serving patients’ needs by using the latest technologies, we discover, develop and deliver innovative therapies for people living with conditions in the immunology, hematology, cardiovascular and metabolic, respiratory, and transplant therapeutic areas. We use three strategic scientific platforms of plasma fractionation, recombinant protein technology, and cell and gene therapy to support continued innovation and continually refine ways in which products can address unmet medical needs and help patients lead full lives.

Media Contact CSL Behring Nordic Region

Fredrik Sjöö, Head of Medical Affairs, CSL Behring Nordic Region. Phone: +46 (0)8 544 966 85, mobile +46 (0)70 418 9305, email: fredrik.sjoeoe@cslbehring.com

1. https://www.cslbehring.com/patients/find-your-disease/hereditary-bleeding-disorders/von-willebrand-disease

2. https://ashpublications.org/bloodadvances/article/5/1/280/474888/ASH-ISTH-NHF-WFH-2021-guidelines-on-the-diagnosis



    CSL Behring är en global ledare inom bioteknik med inriktning på rekombinanta och plasmabaserade terapier. Vårt mål att rädda liv och förbättra livskvaliteten för människor med sällsynta och allvarliga sjukdomar. CSL Behrings innovativa produkter används för behandling inom bland annat immunbrist, autoimmuna sjukdomar, hereditärt angioödem samt ärftliga och förvärvade blödningssjukdomar.

    Företaget grundades för mer än 100 år sedan av Emil von Behring – den första nobelpristagaren i medicin. Idag sysselsätter CSL över 25 000 personer i ett 30-tal länder och är noterat på den australiensiska börsen.

    Vårt nordiska huvudkontor ligger i Danderyd norr om Stockholm. Totalt är vi cirka 30 medarbetare i Norden. Läs mer på www.cslbehring.se


    Fredrik Sjöö, MD, PhD

    Fredrik Sjöö, MD, PhD

    Presskontakt Head of Medical Affairs Nordic Region Talesperson för medicinska frågor CSL Behring Norden. +46 (0)8 544 966 85

    Vårt löfte är vår drivkraft

    CSL är ett globalt, specialiserat bioteknikföretag som tillverkar och tillhandahåller rekombinanta och plasmabaserade terapier. CSL Behrings innovativa produkter används för behandling av immunbrist, autoimmuna sjukdomar, hereditärt angioödem samt ärftliga och förvärvade blödningssjukdomar. Vi drivs av löftet att rädda liv och förbättra livskvaliteten för människor med sällsynta och allvarliga sjukdomar. Företaget grundades för mer än 100 år sedan av Emil von Behring – den första nobelpristagaren i medicin. Idag sysselsätter CSL över 25 000 personer i ett 30-tal länder. CSL Behrings nordiska huvudkontor ligger i Danderyd.

    CSL Behring

    Besöksadress: Berga Backe 2
    Box 712
    182 17 Danderyd