Sally R first to enter the European Space Agency’s new incubator

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Sally R first to enter the European Space Agency’s new incubator

​For the next two years the Swedish startup-company Sally R will be a part of the European Space Agency’s new business incubator (ESA BIC Sweden). This gives the company access to ESA’s portfolio of intellectual property, technical support and € 50 000 for product development. Sally R is bringing down space technology to earth to save energy in buildings and guarantee a healthy indoor air climate.
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Sally R first to enter the European Space Agency’s new incubator

​For the next two years the Swedish startup-company Sally R will be a part of the European Space Agency’s new business incubator (ESA BIC Sweden). This gives the company access to ESA’s portfolio of intellectual property, technical support and € 50 000 for product development. Sally R is bringing down space technology to earth to save energy in buildings and guarantee a healthy indoor air climate.