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Cortus builds biomass gasification plant

STOCKHOLM, February 18, 2011 — The Swedish Energy Agency (Energimyndigheten) has decided to financially support the building of a plant for the gasification of biomass to green energy gas. The purpose is to gasify biomass in full scale in a new way to replace fossil fuels. Behind the patented process is the Swedish innovation company Cortus.

The project is an up scaling of previous pilot projects to verify the production flow of the patented WoodRoll® process that Cortus has developed, before building a major demonstration plant in Köping, Sweden.

“For us it is a very important step that we have received the Swedish Energy Agency's acceptance of our technology for the indirectly heated gasification WoodRoll process”, says Rolf Ljunggren, Cortus CEO.

Cortus builds the integrated production flow plant where the drying, pyrolysis and gasification of different biofuels can be run in the scale of 500 kW. The plant is expected to be in operation in spring 2011. The project also includes performing process samples prior to building the ten times larger demonstration plant in Köping.

The plant is built in cooperation with Torkapparater AB, Concordance AB, AGA Gas AB, ÅF and Sandvik Heating Technology, among others. Funding comes from the Swedish Energy Agency, Triple Steelix, Movexum and Cortus.
This project is the first step in a planned collaboration on the production and supply of gasification plants, where the above parties see great potential.

“We expect that the experience gained on the production flow of the WoodRoll® process through this project will be important for our future demonstration plant in Köping and strengthen our offering of cost effective and innovative bio-energy solutions for power, transport and process industries. An important goal for us is of course to demonstrate a process that builds confidence and creates opportunities for new business for our Swedish and international stakeholders”, says Rolf Ljunggren.

Rolf Ljunggren, CEO and founder, Cortus AB, telephone +46 (0)70 694 48 98,

About Cortus:
Cortus AB’s mission is to provide cost effective and innovative bio-energy solutions for power, transport and process industries based on the patented gasification technology WoodRoll ®.
For more information see:


  • Miljö, energi


  • Köping

Note to editors:

High temperature combustion in process industries demands high calorific and clean fuels. Cortus is building the future of innovative and sustainable energy supply for the process industries based upon our new biomass gasification technology - WoodRoll ®. We supply clean renewable synthesis gas to energy intensive industries such as glass, pulp and paper, cement, minerals and lime.

WoodRoll is a new gasification technology processing biomass into clean gaseous fuel. This patented gasification process is divided into three steps, namely drying, pyrolysis and gasification. Unique to the WoodRoll is that the produced char is gasified in an indirectly heated reactor: the carbon is gasified with steam and produces synthesis gas. The char and steam are thus not mixed with the exhaust from combustion or nitrogen from the air. This produces a clean synthesis gas which is free from condensable tar residues and nitrogen aggregates.


Rolf Ljunggren

Presskontakt Founder and CEO of Cortus AB +46 (0)70 694 4898

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