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Villagers of Nattavaara helped out and got SJ as a member of the local cooperative store.
Villagers of Nattavaara helped out and got SJ as a member of the local cooperative store.

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Village rescued passengers – recieved big surprice

Villagers of Nattavaara close to the Arctic circle provided passengers shelter, transportation, sandwiches and hot beverages as the train got stuck in darkness and extreme cold. Now SJ, the national Swedish train operator, has become a member of the local cooperative store besides contributing financially to the local church and an other local NGO in the village as a way of expressing their gratitude.

The Swedish train got stuck in Nattavara, a village close to the arctic circle. The temperatur was almost minus 40 and the heating broke down at the train as electricity went out.

Villagers provided transportation for the passangers from the train to the village. The local store that was closed opened and the church provided shelter and arranged activities for the children.

On the train was a German group of tourists who could´nt believe what they saw in the village, and when they later got their money back without any hazel they figured that SJ was really something.

No wonder SJ wanted to thank the villagers of Nattawaara. By becoming a member of the cooperative store they will help to maintain the heart of the village – the store that has proven essential – not only to the locals.

Listen to the Swedish radio broadcast about the incident on Radio Norrbotten (Swedish) http://sverigesradio.se/sida/avsnitt/835594?programid=275  at 2:04:55 .

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Marita Öberg Molin

Marita Öberg Molin

Presskontakt Styrelseledamot Coompanion Sverige 0706434397
Gordon Hahn

Gordon Hahn

Presskontakt Verksamhetsledare Coompanion Sverige 076 878 76 77
Björn Granat

Björn Granat

Presskontakt Communications & Content Manager 0736-700486
Ewa Engdahl

Ewa Engdahl

Presskontakt Verksamhetsledare och rådgivare Coompanion Kalmar län 0706587323
Lina Borghardt

Lina Borghardt

Presskontakt Kommunikation och utveckling Coompanion Halland 0731-54 33 66
Frauke Molander

Frauke Molander

Presskontakt Kommunikatör & rådgivare Västerbotten 076-114 70 10

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