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Industri- och logistiksektorn fortsatt stark enligt Colliers senaste rapport

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Industri- och logistiksektorn fortsatt stark enligt Colliers senaste rapport

Industri- och logistiksektorn har en fortsatt stark utveckling, medan de stora transaktionerna på kontorssidan generellt sett avtagit i Europa. Många länder har sett den totala investeringsvolymen halverad jämfört med första kvartalet 2020, konstaterar Colliers i sin senaste rapport, EMEA Capital Markets Shapshot Q1 2021.

Joachim Svedberg, Partner & Acting Head of Capital Markets på Colliers: "Transaktionsvolymen i Europa och Sverige har sjunkit markant, cirka 35 % på Europanivå, under kvartal 1 2021 jämfört med kvartal 1 2020. Pandemin med nedstängningar och reserestriktioner som följd har försenat många transaktioner. Vi ska dock inte glömma bort att kvartal 1 2020 var ett av de starkaste kvartalen någonsin när man gör jämförelser. I takt med att samhällen öppnar upp bedömer vi att fler strukturerade säljprocesser drar igång jämfört med nu där stor del sker genom off market-affärer."

Läs pressreleasen i sin helhet nedan:

The Industrial and Logistics sector continues with strong momentum while large scale office transactions have slowed in European investment volumes, as many countries saw overall activity halve in comparison to Q1 2020 notes Colliers, a leading diversified professional services and investment management company, in its latest EMEA Capital Markets Snapshot Q1 2021.

Richard Divall, Head of Cross Border Capital Markets, EMEA at Colliers, explained: “The Industrial and Logistics sector continues to thrive with falling yields in almost all markets and premiums being paid for portfolios. Investors are willing to go up the risk curve in this sector, although some investors are showing initial concerns to pricing and whether developers will push rents far enough in a falling yield cap rate environment”.

Investment into direct European Real Estate reached €51bn, a 35% fall on Q1 2020. However, it is worth noting that Q1 2020 was the second highest Q1 figure posted in the last 10 years, and the figure masks a range in performance across countries.

Richard continued: “Due to the third wave of the pandemic in Europe many tender processes have been delayed, however there is activity in ‘off market’ and small tender processes. Despite the absence of large scale office transactions in Q1, sentiment remains positive for low risk, core assets in prime locations and we expect several large scale assets to be marketed in Q2 2021 and, when the return of international travel permits, volumes to pick up”.

The living sector continues to have high demand in the Nordics, as well as in Italy and CEE as an emerging asset class. Positive sentiment is also returning to the UK Student Housing market. There continues to be significant interest in the alternative sectors including life sciences, senior living and asset backed by technology sub sectors.

The hospitality sector is seeing more interest with several markets reporting transactions for the first time since the pandemic started. Several core and forward hotel deals have entered the market and great anticipation towards new pricing awaits.



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Colliers är ett ledande företag inom global fastighetsrådgivning präglat av entreprenörsanda. Vårt svenska team består av ca 40 experter som arbetar med att öka lönsamheten för investerare, fastighetsägare, byggherrar och hyresgäster. Genom vår goda expertis och höga servicenivå skapar vi effektiva lösningar som hjälper våra kunder att uppnå framgång snabbare.
Colliers experter erbjuder kvalificerad kunskap inom Capital Markets, Leasing, Corporate Solutions samt Valuation.Med kontor i Stockholm och Göteborg samt ett starkt skandinaviskt samarbete ser vi till att våra kunder får professionell rådgivning inom alla delar av fastighetsmarknaden. Colliers i Sverige ägs utav Colliers International Group Inc. 

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Colliers (NASDAQ, TSX: CIGI) is a leading diversified professional services and investment management company. With operations in 67 countries, our more than 18,000 enterprising professionals work collaboratively to provide expert advice to real estate occupiers, owners and investors. For more than 25 years, our experienced leadership with significant insider ownership has delivered compound annual investment returns of almost 20% for shareholders. With annualized revenues of $3.0 billion ($3.3 billion including affiliates) and $40 billion of assets under management, we maximize the potential of property and accelerate the success of our clients and our people. Learn more at, Twitter @Colliers or LinkedIn


Karoline Fagerheim

Karoline Fagerheim

Press contact Head of Marketing & Communications Nordics +47 928 405 54
Julia Graflund

Julia Graflund

Press contact Marketing & Communications Coordinator Nordics +46 73 03 67 407

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About Colliers
Colliers is a leading diversified professional services and investment management company. With operations in 68 countries, our 19,000 enterprising professionals work collaboratively to provide expert real estate and investment advice to clients. For more than 29 years, our experienced leadership with significant inside ownership has delivered compound annual investment returns of approximately 20% for shareholders. With annual revenues of $4.3 billion and $96 billion of assets under management, Colliers maximizes the potential of property and real assets to accelerate the success of our clients, our investors and our people. Learn more at, X @Colliers or LinkedIn.


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