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Colliers förutspår en 50-procentig ökning av investeringsaktiviteten under 2021

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Colliers förutspår en 50-procentig ökning av investeringsaktiviteten under 2021

Enligt Colliers Internationals senaste rapport ”Global Capital Markets 2021 Investor Outlook” är investerare i stor utsträckning optimistiska när det gäller återhämtningen på marknaden för 2021. Colliers förutspår en 50-procentig ökning av den globala investeringsaktiviteten under andra halvåret, vilket pekar på ett brett förtroende för fastighetsmarknaden till följd av den senaste utvecklingen av vaccinet och global geopolitisk stabilitet.

Joachim Svedberg, Acting Head of Capital Markets på Colliers: ”De internationella investerarna stod för knappt 30 % av omsättningen i Sverige under 2020, trots rådande reserestriktioner. Vi kommer sannolikt att se lättnader i resandet under året och detta kommer leda till att både befintliga och nya investerare kommer att göra nya och fler affärer i Sverige. Fokus kommer precis som under 2020 att vara förvärv av kontor, logistik och bostäder.”

Läs pressreleasen i sin helhet nedan:

Colliers International Group Inc. (NASDAQ and TSX: CIGI) reveals investors are largely optimistic about a market rebound in 2021, according to its new Global Capital Markets 2021 Investor Outlook. Colliers’ research anticipates a 50 per cent surge in investment activity in the second half of the year, pointing to a broad-based renewal of confidence in the property market as a result of recent vaccine developments and continued government stimulus.

“Based on our global analysis, which gives us a bird’s-eye view of investors’ interests and expected appetite, longer-term tailwinds in the property sector remain intact. With a massive volume of equity raised globally and the need for real assets, investors are eager to deploy pent-up capital and pursue opportunities during the year,” said Tony Horrell, Head of Capital Markets | Global at Colliers International. “We expect to see movement up the risk curve this year, with investors exploring all types of assets from senior care homes to public infrastructure projects.”

The report, which drew nearly 300 respondents including major institutional investors, listed property companies, sovereign wealth funds, private equity funds, family offices and third-party money managers, indicates 98 per cent of investors across all regions aim to expand their portfolios, with approximately 60 per cent looking to expand by more than 10 per cent. Furthermore, 67 per cent of survey respondents in EMEA and 88 per cent of those in the U.S. are planning their next investment as early as the first quarter of 2021.

Additional key takeaways from the Colliers Global Capital Markets 2021 Investor Outlook report include:

  • Top-tier city offices remain a primary asset target. Investors with international capital find the scale and liquidity of the office sector in major commercial hubs such as New York, London and Sydney appealing. Having office assets that meet health, sustainability and technical benchmarks is important to investors.
  • Logistics and living sectors are thriving. Both sectors were among investors’ top three choices across all regions. Intense demand for these assets will require investors to broaden their geographic focus and build portfolios through joint venture platforms and local partnerships.
  • Opportunities to repurpose discounted retail and hospitality assets. Investors are expecting to see pricing discounts of over 20 per cent in these sectors. They represent a rare opportunity to acquire core and distressed assets for ambitious repurposing initiatives.
  • Alternatives, platforms and partnerships are playing a bigger part. Rising demand for alternative assets such as data centres, senior living and life science assets reflects broader structural shifts amplified by the pandemic.



Om Colliers International Sverige

Colliers International är ett ledande företag inom global fastighetsrådgivning präglat av entreprenörsanda. Vårt svenska team består av ca 40 experter som arbetar med att öka lönsamheten för investerare, fastighetsägare, byggherrar och hyresgäster. Genom vår goda expertis och höga servicenivå skapar vi effektiva lösningar som hjälper våra kunder att uppnå framgång snabbare.
Colliers experter erbjuder kvalificerad kunskap inom Capital Markets, Leasing, Corporate Solutions samt Valuation.Med kontor i Stockholm och Göteborg samt ett starkt skandinaviskt samarbete ser vi till att våra kunder får professionell rådgivning inom alla delar av fastighetsmarknaden. Colliers International i Sverige ägs utav Colliers International Group Inc. 

För de senaste nyheterna från Colliers International Sverige, besök eller följ oss på LinkedIn och Instagram.


Om Colliers International Group

Colliers International (NASDAQ, TSX: CIGI) is a leading diversified professional services and investment management company. With operations in 68 countries, our more than 15,000 enterprising professionals work collaboratively to provide expert advice to maximize the value of property for real estate occupiers, owners and investors. For more than 25 years, our experienced leadership, owning approximately 40% of our equity, has delivered compound annual investment returns of almost 20% for shareholders. In 2019, corporate revenues were more than $3.0 billion ($3.5 billion including affiliates), with $33 billion of assets under management in our investment management segment. Learn more about how we accelerate success at, Twitter @Colliers or LinkedIn.


Karoline Fagerheim

Karoline Fagerheim

Press contact Head of Marketing & Communications Nordics +47 928 405 54
Julia Graflund

Julia Graflund

Press contact Marketing & Communications Coordinator Nordics +46 73 03 67 407

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Colliers is a leading diversified professional services and investment management company. With operations in 68 countries, our 19,000 enterprising professionals work collaboratively to provide expert real estate and investment advice to clients. For more than 29 years, our experienced leadership with significant inside ownership has delivered compound annual investment returns of approximately 20% for shareholders. With annual revenues of $4.3 billion and $96 billion of assets under management, Colliers maximizes the potential of property and real assets to accelerate the success of our clients, our investors and our people. Learn more at, X @Colliers or LinkedIn.


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