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Amanda Bjursten

Amanda Bjursten

Press contact Press Contact +46708371430

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Sparsh from Patna, India is the second finalist for the Children’s Climate Prize 2022

Sparsh from Patna, India is the second finalist for the Children’s Climate Prize 2022

The jury of Children's Climate Prize has appointed Sparsh, 17 years old from Patna, India, as one of this year's finalists for his invention The Thermal Floater. Sparsh's technology converts thermal energy from the sun into electrical energy, and has huge potential to make a difference globally and mitigate climate change.

Vinnaren av Children’s Climate Prize 2022 är 17-åriga Sparsh från Indien med sin innovation The Thermal Floater

Vinnaren av Children’s Climate Prize 2022 är 17-åriga Sparsh från Indien med sin innovation The Thermal Floater

Bland hundratals nomineringar från världens alla hörn valde juryn ut fem finalister och slutligen en vinnare av Children’s Climate Prize 2022 - Sparsh, 17 år från Patna, Indien. Sparsh prisas för sin uppfinning The Thermal Floater, som omvandlar värmeenergi från solen till elektrisk energi. En uppfinning som är högst aktuell i ett världsläge där behovet av grön energi är enormt.

The winner of Children’s Climate Prize 2022 is 17-year-old Sparsh from India with his innovation The Thermal Floater

The winner of Children’s Climate Prize 2022 is 17-year-old Sparsh from India with his innovation The Thermal Floater

Among hundreds of nominations from all over the world, the jury has finally selected the winner of the Children’s Climate Prize 2022 - Sparsh, 17 years old from Patna, India. Sparsh is awarded for his innovation The Thermal Floater, which converts thermal energy from the sun into electrical energy. - I may be biased, but I think my idea is revolutionary, says a smiling Sparsh.

Meet the Children’s Climate Prize winner at the digital award ceremony November 24!

Meet the Children’s Climate Prize winner at the digital award ceremony November 24!

The winner of the Children’s Climate Prize 2022 is Sparsh from Patna, India for his innovation the Thermal Floater. As this year’s winner he will receive a diploma, medal and prize money of SEK 100.000 from the Children’s Climate Foundation. This year’s digital award ceremony will take place November 24 by 11:00 CET at

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Children's Climate Prize supports young people's actions to bring sustainable solutions for our planet.

Children's Climate Prize

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111 38 Stockholm