Max Jonsson takes over as CEO of Chemrec

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Max Jonsson takes over as CEO of Chemrec

Max Jonsson takes over as CEO of Chemrec AB, following the resignation of former CEO Rick LeBlanc earlier this week. Mr Jonsson’s company, Nykomb, of which he is Chairman, is one of the owners of Chemrec. “The Board of Chemrec is confident that Max Jonsson will provide strong and effective leadership to Chemrec”, says Dr Bernard Bulkin of Vantage Point Venture Partners, and Chairman of Chemrec.
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Max Jonsson takes over as CEO of Chemrec

Max Jonsson takes over as CEO of Chemrec AB, following the resignation of former CEO Rick LeBlanc earlier this week. Mr Jonsson’s company, Nykomb, of which he is Chairman, is one of the owners of Chemrec. “The Board of Chemrec is confident that Max Jonsson will provide strong and effective leadership to Chemrec”, says Dr Bernard Bulkin of Vantage Point Venture Partners, and Chairman of Chemrec.