Chemrec Receives Two Prestigious Awards

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Chemrec Receives Two Prestigious Awards

Chemrec AB, the technology and project development company, offering to turn pulp mills to biorefineries through gasification of the residual product black liquor and synthesis of the gas to biofuels, recently received two prestigious awards, the AlwaysOn GoingGreen Global 200 and the 2011 Global Cleantech 100, both for the third year running.
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Chemrec Receives Two Prestigious Awards

Chemrec AB, the technology and project development company, offering to turn pulp mills to biorefineries through gasification of the residual product black liquor and synthesis of the gas to biofuels, recently received two prestigious awards, the AlwaysOn GoingGreen Global 200 and the 2011 Global Cleantech 100, both for the third year running.