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WestConnex M4 East and WestConnex New M5 to use Edvirt’s cutting-edge shotcrete operator training

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WestConnex M4 East and WestConnex New M5 to use Edvirt’s cutting-edge shotcrete operator training

WestConnex is Australia’s largest infrastructure project with a total of 33km of motorway being built in Sydney. The WestConnex project unfolds in three stages and is valued at AUD 16.8 billion. It will provide a vital transportation link in Sydney’s orbital network.

Edvirt’s shotcrete operator training will remedy the shortage of skilled shotcrete operators that exists around the tunnelling projects in New South Wales. For this purpose, virtual education by means of the 3D Shotcrete Simulator™ is the most effective, forward-thinking approach. It offers a unique advantage that lets operators avoid exposure to the hazardous underground environments during training, thereby enabling safe education of inexperienced nozzlemen. Edvirt’s shotcrete operator training also significantly cuts down on cost and environmental impact. As most of the training is simulator based the typically high levels of concrete waste and equipment damages are kept to a minimum. The simulator training is complemented by theoretical and on-the-job training.

In order to provide nationally recognised training within the Australian VET framework, Edvirt Australia cooperates with NSW based RTO Health & Safety Advisory Services Pty Ltd. Upon satisfactory completion of the course, operators receive a statement of attainment of the Unit of Competency “RIIUND310D – Apply Shotcrete Underground”; as well as the internationally recognized ESCOT™ certificate.

“The first training sessions at the M4 East and New M5 Training Academy have just been completed. The feedback from the involved operators was very positive and we have agreed to train at least 24 shotcrete operators until the end of 2016.” says Christian Reich, Managing Director of Edvirt Australia.

Edvirt Australia Pty Ltd
Edvirt Australia Pty Ltd is a Brisbane based company within the Edvirt group, operating in the field of virtual training for mining and tunnelling operations. Edvirt developed the world's first simulator for sprayed concrete application, the 3D Shotcrete Simulator™. The company offers it to shotcrete contractors, mining companies and educational institutes - all interested developing their workforce. The 3D Shotcrete Simulator™ offers the possibility to educate nozzlemen in an efficient way, without costs for concrete waste, machine tear or exposing inexperienced nozzlemen to the hazardous environments of tunnels and mines.

Edvirt Australia’s training is offered throughout the country, ranging from the client’s headquarter to the most remote mines or construction sites.

To find out more details about the new training course, please contact:
Christian Reich, Managing Director Edvirt Australia
+61 423 400 722




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Jonas Sandwall

Jonas Sandwall

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