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Centiro – the third best workplace in Europe

Centiro from Borås was ranked highest of all Swedish companies with a third place on the list of the best workplaces in Europe for 2013. The prize was awarded during the Great Place to Work European Awards gala, held this year on June 27 in Dublin.

During the last four years Centiro has been in the top three of the best workplaces in Sweden, with a first place in 2011.

 “We have developed a listening leadership and strong people-centric culture combined with high corporate integrity and a focus on long-term results. A culture with a lot of heart and a strong backbone promotes both a better climate and extrordinary performance,” says Niklas Hedin CEO at Centiro with a smile.

“There is a difference between a Nice Place to Work and a Great place to Work. It’s not just a question of a pleasant climate – satisfied customers and good business results are high on the agenda. A good corporate culture is exclusively a question of business strategy for us – it is the tool for our long-range success. The formula we have developed is confirmed both by higher demand from the market and by our top position as one of Europe’s best workplaces,” says Niklas Hedin.

Being chosen as one of Europe’s best workplaces is a result of long-term work at Centiro. Work that builds on ideas that have existed from the start 15 years ago. We aim to create a workplace where work satisfaction is high and people want to stay and develop their full potential. At Centiro we take a holisitic view of employees and value lasting relations with coworkers, customers and partners. These are some of the common denominators for those workplaces round the world which have won the award – Great Place to Work.

Contact at Centiro:
Niklas Hedin, CEO, +46-705-12 89 00 niklas.hedin@centiro.com

Contact at A Great Place to Work Institute:
Maria Grudén, CEO +46-8-562 00 481 mgruden@greatplacetowork.se

Work Great Place to Work® Institute, Inc. is an investigative and management consultancy company headquartered in the U.S. with subsidiaries all over the world. Great Place to Work® Institute Europe is commissioned to support the European subsidiaries in their efforts to help organizations in all sectors to achieve long-term improvements in their various workplace relations, which in turn, lead to measurable advantages and results for the organization.


  • Data, Telekom, IT


  • great place to work
  • niklas hedin
  • borås
  • leadership
  • corporate culture
  • organization
  • workplace culture and health


Niklas Hedin

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