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The Sant Pau Art Nouveau Site is the most important work of Catalan architect Lluís Domènech i Montaner.

It is the Europe's largest Art Nouveau complex and was declared World Heritage by UNESCO in 1997. After more than a century as the home of the Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, an ambitious restoration project following the transfer of all healthcare activities to the new Hospital has restored the cultural and artistic glories of the Sant Pau Art Nouveau Site.
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Eulàlia Cabana

Eulàlia Cabana

Presskontakt Director Nordic Office

Välkommen till Catalan Tourist Board Nordic!

Catalan Tourist Board is the official body that works to promote and consolidate the “Catalunya” brand around the world.
Catalonia is the number one tourist destination in Spain and one of the leading destinations in Europe, with more than 24 million tourists visiting per year, of which more than 14 million are from abroad.
The office in the Nordic countries takes leads the Catalonia's promotion in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Iceland and Estonia.
www.catalunya.com #catalunyaexperience