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Canon’s varioPRINT iX-series can now be integrated with the Plockmatic DigiCoater Pro 400 HD LED paper coating machine
Canon’s varioPRINT iX-series can now be integrated with the Plockmatic DigiCoater Pro 400 HD LED paper coating machine

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Collaboration with Plockmatic delivers new high-speed UV LED coating solution for Canon varioPRINT iX-series

Canon today announces that a close collaboration with Plockmatic, a global supplier of finishing solutions to the print and mailing businesses, has resulted in the seamless, inline integration of the Canon varioPRINT iX-series digital inkjet sheet-fed press with the Plockmatic DigiCoater Pro 400 HD LED paper coating machine. Thanks to its offset-like print quality, high productivity and compelling cost-efficiency, the varioPRINT iX-series has proved to be a popular investment for commercial and online printers, and its integration with the DigiCoater Pro 400 HD LED further extends its already broad application flexibility, making it an even more attractive option. The combination of the two technologies means that varioPRINT iX-series customers in EMEA can now not only produce high-quality, UV-coated applications, but can do so at rated engine speed in a single automated workflow.

Commercial print users of the varioPRINT iX-series that want to produce business cards, postcards, photo merchandise, book and magazine covers and printed applications where coating adds value, can now maximise their productivity by connecting the DigiCoater Pro 400 HD LED inline. The integration removes both the need for manual intervention and the risk of a production bottleneck and allows commercial printers to deliver applications of a glossy, higher value look and feel and to meet the shortest turnaround times. By opting to use a flood varnish in the production of such applications, not only are the results more eye-catching, but the coating also protects the printed materials against wear and tear, water, dirt and food.

Thanks to the low coating coverage – only 2 – 4g/m2 of varnish – required to complete the UV curing process, the print enhancement is far more cost-efficient compared with traditional technologies, which use 15 – 30g/m2 in varnishing processes. Because both machines run at the same rate, material can be printed and then coated by the Digicoater without compromising the performance or speed of the varioPRINT iX-series engine. And as the finished coated output is delivered at room temperature, the sheets are ready immediately, with no wrinkling or shrinkage, for further finishing.

With the two machines connected via an open SFD interface, the bi-directional communication between the varioPRINT iX-series and the Plockmatic Digicoater Pro 400 HD LED results in a highly efficient, end-to-end-workflow. The level of compatibility and automation delivered by the interface means that the print engine’s PRISMAsync controller can be easily alerted to misprinted single sheets and the varioPRINT iX will automatically reprint them without having to reprint the whole job.

Hayco Van Gaal, Vice President Sales and Service, Commercial Printing EMEA, Canon Europe, comments: “Once again, Canon has enabled its customers to achieve greater rates of productivity and faster turnaround times using automation made possible with inline integration. The high-quality printed output from the varioPRINT combined with the embellishment capabilities of the Plockmatic Digicoater Pro 400 HD LED is a winning combination for any commercial printer wishing to capitalise on the growing market demand for enhanced printed applications. We’ve found a way for our customers to widen their product portfolio and increase their profit margins, while maximising the impact of applications and minimising production costs.”

Speaking about the partnership with Canon, Plockmatic Group’s VP Business Unit Inline & Group Technical Support, Johan Mikaelsson, says: The innovative technology of the Digicoater Pro 400 HD LED enables commercial print operations to enhance the value of their printed applications and drive down the cost of production. We see the combination of the Digicoater Pro 400 HD LED with the Canon varioPRINT iX-series as a perfect match that will drive business growth as well as customer satisfaction.”

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Om företaget Canon

Canon Svenska AB är en del i den globala koncernen Canon Inc. som erbjuder produkter och tjänster inom innovativ bildhantering. Allt ifrån kameror, skrivare och tryckeriutrustning till tjänster för lagring och delning av bilder, dokumenthantering och digitalisering av processer. Canon Inc. som grundades 1937 omsätter cirka 4181 miljarder Japanska Yen och har 180 775 anställda – varav 22 214 i EMEA. Canon Svenska har 260 medarbetare och omsätter ca 1 miljard kronor genom direktförsäljning, franchise och fristående återförsäljare. Canon är ett av världens mest forskningsintensiva företag och under 2023 lämnades det in 2 890 USA-patent. Canons filosofi, Kyosei, är att arbeta tillsammans för allas bästa. Där ingår Canons miljöarbete som syftar både till att minska både den egna, och kundernas, miljöpåverkan.

Mer information om Canon finns på www.canon.se.