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If Insurance chooses MEPS for building claims in all Nordic markets

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If Insurance chooses MEPS for building claims in all Nordic markets

If Insurance and CAB Group have signed an agreement where If will use the MEPS system for building claims in all Nordic markets. The implementation project starts immediately to have MEPS in production from October 1st, 2023.

MEPS the best choice for both If and partners

“Last year vi started a project to find one common process and calculation tool for building claims throughout the Nordics. We’ve evaluated several alternatives and concluded that MEPS is the best candidate. In the evaluation process we have paid close attention to the needs of not only our claims organization, but also our partners. With MEPS, we will be able to develop the best digital processes and customer journeys in line with our strategic objectives” says Jesper Arntzen, Head of Strategic Partnerships, Nordic Property Claims at If.

Strengthened position for MEPS

MEPS is the market leader in Sweden and Finland. The agreement with If increases the market share in Norway and establishes presence in Denmark to enable further Nordic expansion.

“We are very proud that If chooses MEPS for all Nordic countries. We see it as an acknowledgement of the capabilities of MEPS for building claims in the Nordics in repair processes, inspection and cost control. If has been very professional and thorough in the evaluation process and as a result of the agreement, we are able to continue our efforts to deliver high customer value and customer satisfaction for insurers and their partners in all Nordic markets.” says Anders Melkersson, Commercial Director at CAB Group.

Smooth transition for partners and claims handlers

The implementation project starts immediately and covers development of integrations and system configuration to meet If’s requirements. An important part is user training of claim handlers and partners to enable a smooth transition to MEPS.

Jesper Arntzen, Head of Strategic Partnerships, Nordic Property Claims, If

Direct: +47 99276211, jesper.arntzen@if.no

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CAB develops and distributes systems for repair and maintenance processes within the automotive and property industries. The business is based on decades of accumulated knowledge which gives our customers a smoother, more efficient working day. In health care, we can also offer safe and effective digital information sharing in the insurance sector. That's knowledge optimized, quite simply.


Anders Melkersson

Anders Melkersson

Commercial Director CAB Group Sweden

Knowledge, optimized

CAB Group AB är ett nordiskt it-produktbolag. Vi är verksamma inom försäkrings-, fordons- och fastighetsbranschen, samt inom hälsa & sjukvård genom dotterbolaget CAB Healthcare AB. Våra kunder erbjuds smidiga arbetsflöden med fokus på effektivisering och säker data. Vi kopplar samman alla parter i processen för en hållbar tjänstemarknad.

CABs produkter används av mer än 6 000 företag, har över 40 000 användare och hanterar mer än 1 miljon ärenden per år. CAB Group omsätter 380 miljoner kronor och har 260 anställda. Huvudkontoret ligger i Örebro, där verksamheten en gång startade, med kontor i Finland, Danmark, Norge och Tyskland. CAB Group AB grundades i mitten av 70-talet och ägs idag av If, Folksam, Länsförsäkringar och Trygg Hansa.

CAB Group AB

Stortorget 11
702 11 Örebro