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CAB Group and Bdeo Technologies enter partnership in Visual Intelligence solutions

CAB Group and Bdeo Technologies announced today that the companies have entered a strategic partnership that will enable CAB insurance customers on the Nordic markets to benefit from Bdeo’s solutions for video and image recognition in Motor and Property claims. 

The partnership brings together CABs platforms for handling Motor claims (CABAS) and Property claims (MEPS) with Bdeo technological solutions for streamlining insurance processes based on Visual Intelligence; video and image recognition. 

“CAB insurance customers handle well over one million claims per year, using CAB products CABAS and MEPS. We are very happy to partner with Bdeo to offer our insurance customers video and image recognition services to assess damage with great precision and speed. Customers are offered a turnkey solution to increase customer satisfaction and at the same time reduce operational cost and minimize environmental impact.” said Peter Afzelius, CEO CAB Group 

“Artificial Intelligence, and Visual Intelligence in particular, are very present in our everyday lives and will revolutionize the insurance industry. We truly believe Bdeo Visual Intelligence solutions will bring considerable value to CAB insurance customers in both short- and long-term perspectives. The partnership with CAB will allow us to supply our services, while being able to guarantee local support and customer service in the Nordic markets,” said Julio Pernía Aznar, CEO Bdeo Technologies

About CAB Group

CAB Group supply software products to Nordic insurers and their suppliers for handling claims in Automotive, Property and Health segment. CAB products are used by more than 6 000 companies with more than 40 000 users, handling more than 1 million claims per year. CAB Group has a turnover of SEK 380 million and has 260 employees. CAB Group head office is in Örebro, Sweden, with branch offices in Finland, Norway and Germany.


About Bdeo Technologies

Bdeo was founded in 2017 by two leading entrepreneurs with extensive experience in building B2B SaaS companies within the insurance industry. In 2020 Bdeo was selected “Cool vendor in the insurance industry” by Gartner Group and from October 2021, Bdeo is included in “Insuretech100- list” by FinTech Global. Bdeo has also been listed in Oxbow Partners' Impact 25. Bdeo head office is in Madrid, Spain, with branch offices in the UK, France, Germany and Mexico.


Anders Melkersson
Commercial Director
+46-19-15 86 05

Asier Lozano
Head of Marketing
+34-635-755 436



CAB utvecklar och distribuerar system för reparations- och underhållsprocesser inom fordons- och fastighetsbranschen. Verksamheten bygger på årtionden av insamlad kunskap som ger våra kunder en enklare, mer effektiv arbetsdag. Inom hälsa och sjukvård kan vi dessutom erbjuda säker och effektiv digital informationsdelning i försäkringsärenden. Det är optimerad kunskap, helt enkelt.


Maria Jonsson

Maria Jonsson

Presskontakt Marknadskommmunikatör

Relaterat innehåll

Knowledge, optimized

CAB Group AB är ett nordiskt it-produktbolag. Vi är verksamma inom försäkrings-, fordons- och fastighetsbranschen, samt inom hälsa & sjukvård genom dotterbolaget CAB Healthcare AB. Våra kunder erbjuds smidiga arbetsflöden med fokus på effektivisering och säker data. Vi kopplar samman alla parter i processen för en hållbar tjänstemarknad.

CABs produkter används av mer än 6 000 företag, har över 40 000 användare och hanterar mer än 1 miljon ärenden per år. CAB Group omsätter 380 miljoner kronor och har 260 anställda. Huvudkontoret ligger i Örebro, där verksamheten en gång startade, med kontor i Finland, Danmark, Norge och Tyskland. CAB Group AB grundades i mitten av 70-talet och ägs idag av If, Folksam, Länsförsäkringar och Trygg Hansa.

CAB Group AB

Stortorget 11
702 11 Örebro