Wind2018 - Summary from Bodecker Partners

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Wind2018 - Summary from Bodecker Partners

Last years reflection was that the the wind industry had gone from a “ Depression phase - someone else’s fault “ to an “ Acceptance Phase - how do we handle this? “ A highly personal reflection after this year is that the industry has now reached an unprecedented maturity but without losing creativity and innovation even though development stall in wait of politics and laws to catch up.
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Mia Bodin

Presskontakt Partner, Analyschef +46 (0)738 081 898

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Wind2018 - Summary from Bodecker Partners

Last years reflection was that the the wind industry had gone from a “ Depression phase - someone else’s fault “ to an “ Acceptance Phase - how do we handle this? “ A highly personal reflection after this year is that the industry has now reached an unprecedented maturity but without losing creativity and innovation even though development stall in wait of politics and laws to catch up.