Bilia continues its  expansion of sales of used  cars under the name of  Netbil Begagnat

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Bilia continues its expansion of sales of used cars under the name of Netbil Begagnat

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Anders Rydheimer

Presskontakt Marknads- och kommunikationschef 010 - 495 99 01

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Bilia continues its expansion of sales of used cars under the name of Netbil Begagnat

Bilia's subsidiary Netbil Begagnat has opened a new facility in Gothenburg for sales of used cars. This facility is the latest addition to Bilia's strategic investment in sales of used cars, which includes totally seven new facilities. Netbil Begagnat buys its cars from Bilia's other operations, but also from companies and private individuals. Via Netbil Begagnat, Bilia now has access to a greater