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2 new employees to the sales and marketing department

Beneli is happy to announce that we have enforced our sales organization and recruited Robin Thiberg as Key Account Manager and Agnetha Åklundh as Sales Executive Export. Robin comes recently from Innoscentia and Agnetha from a similar role within the label industry.

 “This is the right step to take now that we are aiming for reaching out to new markets an offering new product segments also to our existing customers, and we are very pleased to have Agnetha and Robin on board” says Günther Dieroff, Sales and Marketing Manager at Beneli.

Prior to joining Beneli, Robin founded his own company during university studies and has since then, worked with smart printable materials to design and develop printable gas-sensors for various applications. Consequently, Robin was awarded “one of Sweden’s most innovative entrepreneurs” for that work.

“With the knowledge and experience gained from printable sensors, RFID and NFC, especially the usage and functionality of it, I am eager to bringing everything I gained into Beneli and work closely with the customers to solve the very core of their challenges and possibilities. I believe the future of labels lays within adding functionality and technology to it. It is cost efficient, convenient and easy to use and brings numerous benefits to the user. A label is not just a label anymore. It has the possibility to have an impact on making the world more healthy, secure and efficient by liberate and visualize information that hasn’t been accessible before”, says Robin

Agnetha has worked many years in the packaging, label and printing industry and says:

“After the past 15 years within the packaging and label industry I have the know-how of how the market has developed not only for certain customers but also for the whole value-chain. I’m really looking forward to work with “tomorrows” labels where the function is in focus. The market seems to be really ready for the total rollout of RFID, NFC and Tamper evident in order to secure the whole chain from manufacture down to consumer”. With this cutting-edge technology the market developments will bring a new platform of social interaction with customers consumption.”


  • Teknologi, allmänt


  • beneli
  • etiketter
  • innovation etiketter
  • smart labels
  • smarta etiketter
  • new employee
  • nyanställda
  • sälj & marknadsavdelningen
  • sales & marketing department
  • vinnova

Beneli utvecklar och producerar allt från traditionella produktetiketter till tekniskt avancerade etiketter med ledande adhesiv, färger och microchips.

Det här är teknologi som har stor efterfrågan inom branscher som läkemedel, livsmedel och säkerhet. Många av våra kunder är ledande tillverkare inom sina respektive områden.


Günther Dieroff

Presskontakt Försäljnings- och marknadschef 070-210 75 75

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