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Ämnen: Ekonomi, finans

BearingPoint elects Stefan Penthin to be the next Managing Partner of the global firm

BearingPoint elects Stefan Penthin to be the next Managing Partner of the global firm

With, as planned, the final term of its current Managing Partner coming to an end, the partnership of the independent management and technology consultancy, BearingPoint, has elected Stefan Penthin to be its next Managing Partner, effective September 1, 2024. He will succeed Kiumars Hamidian, who successfully headed the business since his appointment in 2018.

BearingPoint business performance 2023

BearingPoint når 1 miljard euro i intäktsmål

It- och managementkonsultföretaget BearingPoint rapporterar intäkter på 1,017 miljarder euro för 2023, en ökning med 18% jämfört med föregående år. Företagets bokningar ökade med 21% och de levererade mer än 1 800 projekt i 32 länder. För att stödja tillväxten så ökade BearingPoint sin personalstyrka med 15% till mer än 6 000 anställda i slutet av året.

Rapport: Nordiska bankers position som digitala ledare kan vara hotad

Rapport: Nordiska bankers position som digitala ledare kan vara hotad

Enligt en ny rapport, "Nordic Banking 2033 – And how to get there", kan betydelsen av aktörer utanför banksektorn komma att öka i framtiden om inte bankerna blir snabbare på att utveckla sina digitala tjänster. Rapporten baseras på intervjuer med ett trettiotal nordiska ledare, analytiker och experter som arbetar inom bank-, kapitalförvaltnings- och försäkringssektorerna.

Automotive OEMS must reinvent customer touchpoint to survive

Automotive OEMS must reinvent customer touchpoints to survive

BearingPoint articles discusses how the automotive industry is changing rapidly due to the introduction of shared mobility, electric cars, and a diminishing trend of car ownership as a status symbol. Automotive after sales service providers must reinvent the way they interact with customers to survive and protect revenues.

FOSSID and BearingPoint enter strategic partnership around Open Source Software Governance

FOSSID and BearingPoint enter strategic partnership around Open Source Software Governance

FOSSID, a leader in open source software compliance and security, and BearingPoint, a leader in open source management services, today announced their strategic partnership around free and open source software governance. After successfully cooperating in selected projects since more than 2 years, BearingPoint decided to choose FOSSID as its strategic provider of open source analysis tools.

BearingPoint is now SAP Gold Partner

BearingPoint is now SAP Gold Partner

BearingPoint is now SAP Gold Partner - the management and technology consultancy advanced to Gold based on excellent S/4 services, innovative SAP solutions and notable customer references.

BearingPoint posts strong 2019 as it starts executing its Strategy 2025

BearingPoint posts strong 2019 as it starts executing its Strategy 2025

Management and technology consultancy BearingPoint announced today that full-year 2019 revenues hit a record €780 million, a 6% increase from the previous year, due in particular to new revenue streams and innovative business services. Bookings for 2019 came in at €949 million, which was up 15% compared to the prior year. The substantial growth in bookings points to a strong 2020.

BearingPoint is expanding its commitment to climate-neutral travel and is making its business travel activities climate-neutral for all business units globally.

Climate-neutral all the way to the client – now worldwide!

BearingPoint is expanding its commitment to climate-neutral travel and is making its business travel activities climate-neutral for all business units globally. Through compensation payments, the management and technology consultancy is helping to support a project that is protecting the Brazilian rainforest.

Altibox goes live with BearingPoint//Beyond platform, expands customer reach across Norway

Altibox goes live with BearingPoint//Beyond platform, expands customer reach across Norway

BearingPoint//Beyond announced today that Altibox, a leading Norwegian broadband provider, is using its Infonova digital business platform to connect its growing business partner ecosystem of regional service providers across Norway and Denmark and broaden customer access to its expanding range of services including full fiber broadband, TV and media.

Patrick Palmgren, Chief Development Officer

BearingPoint investerar i FinTech företaget Tribe

Management och IT-konsultfirman utökar sina strategiska partnerskap och stärker sitt fokus inom digitalisering och FinTech. Som del av BearingPoints Venture aktiviteter har de investerat i Oslo-baserade och nystartade Tribe. Tribe är ett försäkringsbolag som har utvecklat en innovativ affärsmodell och IT försäkringsplattform.

B2C företagens genomsnittliga poäng per digital dimension och land

De är bäst på digitalisering i Norden

Telekom är den bransch som ligger längst fram inom digitalisering i Norden och Sonera är det bästa företaget. Detta enligt en ny studie från BearingPoint som undersöker 176 nordiska företags (varav 80 svenska) digitala mognad inom sex olika dimensioner: digital marknadsföring, digital produktupplevelse, e-handel, e-CRM, mobila tjänster och social media.

Branscher som är bäst på digitalisering i Sverige på en skala 4 till 10

De är bäst på digitalisering i Sverige

Telekombolagen är de som ligger längst fram inom digitalisering i Sverige. Det visar en studie från Management- och IT-konsultbolaget BearingPoint som studerat 68 av de största bolagen i Sverige. Här är listan på de branscher och bolag som lyckats bäst.

BearingPoint spin-off Elevence joins forces with Digital Asset Holdings

As part of its Ventures activities, management and technology consultancy BearingPoint recently entered into a transaction with Digital Asset Holdings (Digital Asset), a developer of distributed ledger technology for the financial services industry, whereby BearingPoint transferred its powerful blockchain technology for financial institutions.

About BearingPoint

BearingPoint is an independent management and technology consultancy with European roots and a global reach. The company operates in three business units: The first unit covers the advisory business with a clear focus on five key areas to drive growth across all regions. The second unit provides IP-driven managed services beyond SaaS and offers business critical services to its clients supporting their business success. The third unit provides the software for successful digital transformation and regulatory requirements. It is also designed to explore innovative business models with clients and partners by driving the financing and development of start-ups and leveraging ecosystems.
BearingPoint’s clients include many of the world’s leading companies and organizations. The firm has a global consulting network with more than 10,000 people and supports clients in over 75 countries, engaging with them to achieve measurable and sustainable success.

For more information, please visit: http://www.bearingpoint.com/

BearingPoint Sweden

Sveavägen 15, 9tr
111 57 Stockholm

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