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​MÖT GALANS ARTISTER - Desislava Stoeva

HII DESI, TELL us your story!
– I was born in Sofia, Bulgaria and started to dance when I was four years old, thanks to my mom and mainly because I was a child full with energy. I begun in a private school and later on I graduated in the National School of Dance Art in Sofia, in the class of one of the biggest Bulgarian Principal Ballerinas; Krasimira Koldamova. Currently I am a First Soloist with the Royal Swedish Ballet and former Principal Dancer with the Finish National Ballet.

  Foto: Hans Nilsson

WHY DID YOU choose to focus on classical ballet?
– I became a dancer because I fell in love with ballet and what ballet represents! Ballet gave me what I was looking for. It is an incredible form of physical exercise, shaping the body in the most beautiful way. But the best part of it is being the actress in our art!

– Every role gives me the opportunity to transform myself and to be someone else, even for a day. It’s a fantastic feeling. I love dancing because it gives you the opportunity to explore beyond your limitations and express yourself in ways you couldn't even imagine. Our art form is one of the most satisfying professions you can ask for. Of course with a lot of hard work and dedication.

             Foto: Hans Nilsson

WHAT’S YOUR GOAL as an artist?
– I want to make the audience experience different emotions - love, happiness, worry, sadness, excitement... To touch them in a way, that it leaves a mark in their experience when they attend my shows. To create each and every role from my heart and to enjoy every outcome.

– In life I dream of good health, love, a beautiful long career and happiness!

         Foto: Sakari Viika

– On stage, so far, my greatest moment is when I danced the leading role of Tatjana in the ballet "Onegin", by John Cranko. The emotions I felt during the show is like nothing I have experienced before! I hope in the future I can revisit that role and get even better ones, so I can touch the hearts of the audience the same way I did with Tatjana! The reaction I got from the audience was the most beautiful response I could ever ask for. I was crying from happiness when the curtain came down.

WHEN DO YOU feel content?
– That is when everyone I love - my family - are well and happy and when I dance the roles I love. I can also feel content after a really good show.

YOU HAVE ALREADY reached far, is there something you’d like to develop further?
– Ballet and being a ballet dancer is a constant development. I would like to develop more and more with each and every day. Be the best version of myself and better then yesterday.

AND YOU ARE! So what’s your secret?
– The secret to my success is my husband - the biggest supporter of my life, my best friend, my love, my teacher - my everything!

MOST PEOPLE USUALLY have some secret talent or unknown interest, which is yours?
– I like to paint! I love watching the brushes create colour - it makes me calm and feels nice and satisfying. I also love doing yoga and swimming. And I have a French bulldog. She is the little bundle of joy, who always put a smile on my face. Best doggie ever.

Desislava som Tatjana och Nicholas Ziegler som Onegin. Foto: Sakari Viika

HOW DO YOU think about the future of classical ballet versus modern and contemporary dance?
– For me classical ballet would be always number one in the World of Ballet! I think that classical ballet never gets old. This is why it’s called “classic”. It’s like looking at an amazing, beautiful painting by Van Gogh or Renoir or listening to Tchaikovsky or Chopin – it is timeless and the viewers/ audience will always enjoy watching it for generations ahead. I love modern dance, it gives me a different freedom. It challenges me as a dancer and makes me grow in a different way, but my heart will always be set in the perfection and beauty of the classical ballet! 

I like to believe that classical ballet will never disappear from our big theatres. It will continue to evolve as an art form and bring beauty, joy, emotions and fascination to the future generations of dancers and audiences.

THANK YOU DESI! I saw you on SVT dancing at the Nobel Dinner last year. Cannot wait to see you live on stage in Kungsbacka and especially in my one and only main role in a full length ballet – Swan Lake.

VILL DU SE Desislava Stoeva in action och inte har möjlighet att ta dig till Stockholm? Kolla här!
Eller se Desi live på Balettgala 2019, den 19 juni kl 19, på Kungsbacka Teater. Biljetter säljs via Ticketmaster.


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Heléne Friberg

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